“Ran to far my ass” he said. He didn’t believe me? That’s just typical.

“Well it’s true and I don’t give a shit if you don’t believe me” I snapped he rolled his eyes.

“Your mother will be so disappointed in you” he said shaking his head and walking away a tear ran down my cheek. How dare he bring my mom into this. I ran out the door banging right into someone. Great it was Marie! Note the sarcasm.

“Watch where you’re going bitch” she hissed by not the tears were running down my cheeks. I pushed past her and ran I didn’t shift. Why does everyone hate me? What did I do? Why did my mom have to die? Why not me? I sat under my favourite tree crying my eyes out and playing with the grass. It started getting dark but I don’t care I’ll just stay here for the night nobody will care anyway. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Maybe I was harsh on her I didn’t mean to say that it just slipped out my mouth. I guess I needed someone to blame and I picked her because she’s the youngest. It’s been 2 hours now since she ran out crying I can’t believe I made her cry she must hate me so much right now. I saw Marie and smiled weakly at her she grinned back at me. I’m so tired but I’m not going to bed till Brianna comes back. What if something’s happened to her? Oh god I mustn’t think like that she’ll be fine.

“Stop worrying about her she’ll be fine” Marie told me I put my head in my hands.

“I’m the worst dad ever” I said I heard her sigh. I know Brianna doesn’t like Marie and I know Marie doesn’t like Brianna but I don’t know why. It’s like they’ve met before I don’t know it’s strange very strange.


Me and Blake were the only ones who didn’t go out because Blake has a girlfriend and I didn’t feel like it at all. We went out for a run instead just to make sure not mutts got on our land without us knowing. I decided to try and forget about Brianna because she’s a werewolf and I hate werewolves. We were running near werewolf territory all the wolves will probably be in bed anyway so it wouldn’t matter if we cross the line a little so we did. I smelt werewolf oh crap.

“Eli look under the tree” Blake said so I did. I saw a girl under the tree asleep she looked freezing.

“Let’s just go back she’ll be fine” I told him he glared at me.

“Eli look at her she looks practically dead” he said I rolled my eyes.

“Blake she’s a werewolf just leave her” I told him he rolled his eyes.

“Eli don’t be a dick, we need to help her werewolf or not we can’t let her die” Blake hissed I sighed he’s kinda right but I’m not giving up that easy.

“She’s the enemy Blake come on we’re leaving” I hissed he shook his head and went to pick her him I grabbed his arm.

“Eli get off and let me help her” he hissed.

“What if it’s a trap?” I asked he rolled his eyes and shook his head.

“I only smell her” he told me he’s right there is only one. He picked her up and she didn’t even move.

“Holly shit she’s freezing” he said. She must be cold if he can feel it. I recognized her sent she smells like apples. She looked so cold so lifeless what was she doing asleep under a tree at 1:45am? Silly girl. When we got to the house my mum ran out.

“Omg what did you do?” she asked me. Does she think I did that?

“We found her like that” I told her. She took the girl from Blake and put her on the sofa now I can see her face Brianna I gasped. Why was she under a tree? Is she dead? Omg I was a right prick! My dad came in with a blanket and my mum wrapped her up in it.

“Is she dead?” I asked my dad glared at me.

“No Eli” he said like it was obvious. I watched as my mum tried to warm her up.


I felt myself being picked up and carried but I was too cold to move. I smelt vampire but I was too cold to care.

“Omg what did you do?” I heard a woman ask.

“We found her like that” someone said he sounded a little annoyed. I felt something soft under me and something wrap around me. I started getting warmer and I could move again. I moved my arm and someone shook me.

“Wakeup sweetie” It was the same woman from earlier. I groaned and rubbed my eyes then opened then I squinted trying to see where the hell I was. Is this heaven? Hell? I sat up and saw 4 people looking at me scratch that I saw 4 vampires looking at me.

“Where am I? What happened? Why am I here? Who are you?” I croaked I was scared I will admit.

“Calm down we won’t hurt you I promise” the woman said I started to relax a little.

“I’m Michelle, that’s my husband Raymond, that’s my some Elliot and that’s his friend Blake” she told me. “Blake and Eli saved your life” she continued I nodded.

“Thank you” I whispered they nodded.

“Why were you under a tree?” Michelle asked I sighed.

“I had an argument with my dad and I fell asleep under a tree” I told her I was still whispering.

“Wanna tell me what it was about?” she asked meaning the argument I shook my head she nodded.

“Well you can stay in Eli’s room till tomorrow if you like” she told me I sighed.

“It’s fine I’ll just go home” I told her she sighed.

“You don’t mind do you Eli?” she asked I looked at the boy he glared at his mum but shook his head.

“See and It’s only until the morning” she said I nodded.

“Eli take her upstairs” Michelle told his he nodded I stood up and nearly fell over but someone grabbed my arm and helped my stand. We got to his room I was quite impressed it was pretty tidy.

“Do you wanna borrow a shirt?” he asked I shook my head.

“I’m fine” I whispered he sighed.

“You sure?” he asked I nodded and played with the necklace my mom gave me for my 16th birthday I hardly ever take it off only when I shower because I don’t wanna ruin it, it means so much to me.

“Pretty necklace” Eli said snapping me outta my thoughts I smiled weakly.

“Thanks it was my mums” I said he nodded.

“Where is you mum?” he asked I bit my lip to hold back tears.

“Dead” I whispered he looked guilty.

“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked” he said I sighed.

“It’s fine” I told him he sighed.

“Why don’t you go take a shower?” he asked I nodded and he disappeared into the bathroom.


Brianna was in the shower that’ll help her warm up a bit more. For some reason I felt the need to protect her and I don’t know why. I feel guilty for asking about her mum because when I did she looked so sad and upset. I also feel guilty for wanting to leave her under the tree to die. I think I might like her I don’t mean friendly like her I mean like, like her I’ve never felt this way about anyone before that’s mainly because I’ve never really had a girlfriend I’ve always been a player and I realise how much of a prick I’ve been now. Maybe just maybe this beautiful werewolf girl might change me just maybe.




THERE'S A PICTURE OF BRIANNA'S NECKLACE ON THE SIDE! OR HERES THE LINK FOR IT http://www.polyvore.com/western_express_wolf_dream_catcher/thing?id=60776859





- AIMEE <3

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