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"Mama you promised you would get the tickets!" Lia said to me.

"No that's not true I said if you were good in school and kept your grades up." She looked at me with a look her mother used to and that look she can get anything.

"Please mama. When mom was young they were in a group then they broke up. Now they are back together and doing a tour. I just want to experience something that she as too." 

I just bought her into a hug because I knew she you be crying and she did. "It's ok princess I know you do that's why I already got the tickets." I pulled the tickets out my back pocket. She started to jump up and down with joy. "But Princess I got you something else." I took the envelope out and gave it to here. She opened it and started screaming. All I could do was smile  because my babygirl was happy.

Evan comes running down the stairs with a bat. "Evan really?" I asked.

"Yea  I heard screaming. Didn't have anything else to grab." With a shrug of his shoulders.

He sits that bat down and comes to stand next to me. "What's up with her?" I ruffle his hair. "Mamaaaaaa not the hair" he whines fixing his hair back.

"Its nothing little man she is really happy." We both look at Lia seeing that the screaming has finally stopped.

"You got me meet and greet tickets to everyone on tour!"  She asked.

"Ma no way please say in going with you?" Evan say.

"Yes you are and yes babygirl anything to make you smile." They both hug me and I hug back.

"Ma you do know my all time crush is on this tour right." Evan says to me.

"Yea I know" I say while chucking at him. "Look you two what do you say we go out to lunch today?" They both nod and run upstairs to get ready.

I'm already dressed so I just sit on the couch till they are done. Ten minutes later Evan comes down.

"I'm ready."

"Good now we gotta wait on your sister."

"But ma she is going to take forever."

Before I could respond Lia comes down "no I won't I'm already done just need ma to braid my hair." "Can I get two fishtail braids ma?" She asks me with her pouting eyes.

"Of course princess." After I give her the braids we hop in the car. This Lia and Evan in the back.

Lia doesn't like sitting in the front because that's where her mom would sit. So I dont mind nor do I say anything about it. She will do it when she is ready.

"So where too?" I ask them.

They both give each other a look. I dont think I like this. Then Lia ask "so ma can we go anywhere?"

I think a bbn out it for a minute "sure I dont see why not." They both got this smirk on their face.

"Oh no what is it this time?" I ask.

They both shout out "DAVE'S AND BUSTER'S

" I should have known." Well  buckle up and enjoy the ride."

They both shout "YES WE LOVE YOU MAMA".

"I love you guys to so much."

"Now enough of the sappy let's go." Evan says.

I just chuckle and start the car and drive. They are my reason for living.

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