Best Friend in Elementary (Calum Hood)

Start from the beginning

"Home sweet home." I told myself. I put my phone on the charger and walked around my room. I went over to my old desk. There were still books, pencils, pens. Makeup that looked newly bought. But my eyes drifted to a picture. A picture of me and 2 boys. One pale, the other a slight tanned. We were all hugging each other. I looked at it confused and picked it up. I turned it over to read,

Michael, Y/N, and Calum. 2005, Grade...

The grade had faded away. I did the math. If 2005 was 14 years ago...then we're were all about 9 years old and in 3rd grade. I nodded, proud of myself that I listened in Math. I looked at the picture longer. Where where those two boys? I still remembered them. Especially Calum. I thought about him everyday after that, we promised we'd always write and call each other...but one day he didn't send me another call, or a letter. Heck though, I even thought about him on the way here. Did he and Michael still live here anyways? A couple of questions but not through my head as I heard a doorbell ring from downstairs. Suni's head emerged from her room.

"Who the hell is that?" She asked.

I laughed. "I'm checking it out too. And guess who's going with me?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Not me. I'm too lazy." She told me. I grabbed her arm and dragged her downstairs. "You suck." She told me.

"And you swallow. I fired back.

"And you spit." She replied.

"You vomit in your throat which makes you choke on it and die." I told her. She looked completely scarred but we laughed after that. We made it down the stairs to see my Aunt hugging someone. Suni and I poked our heads down from the stairwell. "Who is it?" I asked her.

She looked at me. "I don't know. I can't fricken see." She told me. I leaned over her to see, but she lost grip on the railing and grabbed on to my arm so she didn't fall. That plan failed when it made me let go and we both fell to he floor next to each other, and in front of the door. My aunt looked down at us, dumbfounded.

"Hi." Suni said.

"How did you two both fall down the stairs?" (Aunt name) asked. We slowly looked at each other.

"I blame Craig." I told her.

"STOP BLAMING ME FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO WRONG WITH YOUR LIVES!!" Craig yelled from upstairs. Suni and I started laughing. I finally got a glimpse of who was at the door. I saw a woman about in her 50s as well as a man. But here was a dude in his early 20s there as well.

"We got an audience?" I asked Suni.

She nodded. "Hope they hot the good side of us." She said.

I smiled. "Hopefully." I told her. We laughed again.

"Get up you too. You'll catch ants. And are you two ok from the fall?" My Aunt asked us.

"No. We were just trying to give the floor a hug. It's lonely down here. And we wanted it to feel happy." I told her, getting up from the floor.

Suni got up as well. "I'm going to check on Craig." She told me.

I nodded. "Yeah. I guess I'll check up on Nogla. He's really weird." I said, staring to walk towards the staircase.

"Y/N . Get back over here and greet our guests." My aunt said.

I looked at her and shrugged. I walked back over and put my hand out. "Hi. I'm Y/N. But everyone pronounces it (name everyone Mis-pronounces instead of Y/N) so you can call me (Y/NN)." I told them. I shook their hands.

"I'm Karen, this is my husband Daryl." The woman said.

I smiled at her. "Nice to meet you Karen and Daryl." I looked at the early 20s boy. Book

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