XVI 1/2

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The warden had spent some extensive time looking through Jauregui's file. The woman had a very limited record, and wasn't known for causing any trouble... at least, any that she got caught doing. He's surprised, considering Kordei's current state in the infirmary. With this behavior, he's questioning why he hadn't seen her file on his desk more recently.

He finishes attaching the new information about her recent detainment in the SHU, finding her place in the filing cabinet and putting the file away. He failed to find Kordei's earlier, which is alarming, but at least they keep digital records of everything.

Jauregui would be released within the next few days, depending on his mood. But as of now, she sits, and rots.

Just like her file.


Lauren Michelle Jauregui Morgado
Age: 26
Height: 5'4
Weight: 130 lbs
Sex: Female
Ethnicity: Cuban-American
Family: Clara Jauregui (deceased) - mother, Michael Jauregui (deceased) - father, Samuel Jauregui (deceased) - uncle/primary caretaker, Taylor Jauregui (deceased) sister, Chris Jauregui (476-378-3874) - brother

Committal Information: Manslaughter. See attached files for more.

Initial Assessment: Healthy; no obvious signs of drug abuse. No treatment necessary.

Additional Information: Keep under close surveillance. Irritable/violent behavior, sometimes unpredicted. Mental health assessment done after original detainment came back uncertain. Unstable patterns present.

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