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Camila isn't sure how long she's been hiding in the library. It felt like she'd been standing here since the lights went out an hour ago. But still, she remains motionless as she waits for the guard inside to exit and head off down the hallway. She'd made sure she was present for cell block check before she snuck out, and since then she'd been here. Waiting.

And waiting.

But now, her waiting appears to be over.

With a stealth she'd only learned from her time spent on the streets, she peeks her head out, doing a quick scan before stepping fully into the library. Camila had done some investigating over the past few days, and she'd discovered that the file room was just in the back of the library. It was usually kept locked to keep inmates out, but Camila had kept a close eye on the frequency with which the room was visited.

Early in the day, Camila messed with the door while an employee at the prison was digging around in there. She'd used yet another skill she'd picked up during her days living on the streets that kept her inside during the cold months. Granted, she could get in a great deal of trouble if she was discovered, but... Camila was willing to take the risk for the safety and protection of her friend.

Once inside, Camila bites back a groan. The room wasn't that large, but the amount of stuff crowding it was a little overwhelming. She's not even sure where to start, and she knows that not all of this could possibly be for current inmates.

She starts out by opening a few file drawers, glancing over the format with which they're kept. She notices a tab labeled "A" poking out of the first one she looks in. A few drawers down she finds a "B", and so forth. Once she catches wind of the way things are organized, she looks farther down the line where she might find "K". But... her curiosity gets the better of her.

She makes a pit stop at "E", finding her true last name after searching through many files. It's relatively thin compared to the others, and Camila isn't sure how to feel about it. Should she be causing a fuss more to fit in with the others?

After a moment's pause, she quickly dismisses the idea from her head. While she might not be as disruptive as the others, she knows why she's here. Over the time she has been here, Lauren has helped her accept her fate in these walls. She might not be responsible, but Camila decides it's probably where she belongs.

Pushing all other thoughts aside, she opens the file. The photos she'd taken when she was first admitted to prison are clipped on, and she moves them out of the way to start reading.

Karla Camila Cabello-Estrabao

Age: 25
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 110 lbs
Sex: Female
Ethnicity: Cuban-American
Family: Unidentified

Committal Information: Robbery, disorderly conduct, assault of a police officer. See attached files for more.

Initial Assessment: Healthy; no obvious signs of drug abuse. No treatment necessary.

Camila scans past the information of her medical history, seeing as there is none. She couldn't afford anything like that. Not now, not ever.

She flips the page, glancing over her court reports and case information. It was nothing new; she wasn't surprised by any of the information. She scoffed when she saw the information about when she supposedly "assaulted" a cop. If you call self defense against attempted rape "assault", then by all means. She assaulted him.

Camila's breath catches in her throat when she sees a piece of paper attached at the very end. Without another thought, she snatches it and shove it in her jacket, quickly tucking the file back into its spot and moving on.

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