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She's read the book three times now.

Besides the fact that To Kill A Mockingbird is one of her favorite books, the fact that this book specifically belongs to Lauren Jauregui makes it that much more valuable.

Frangipane has been bugging her all week, asking her why she won't 'put the stupid book down and get a new one for the library', and Camila gives her the same answer every time: it's her favorite book.

(She would never tell anyone that it was because Lauren gave it to her.)

Another mysterious item was dropped underneath her pillow this week; this time, a pair of shower shoes. Camila nearly cried at the sight, thankful she didn't have to use whatever pieces of cardboard she could find in the kitchen's trash anymore when she cleaned herself. Her curiosity over whoever was doing this for her could not be sated, and it was bugging her more and more with every passing day.

Hastily tucking Lauren's book under her mattress so that no one (mostly Frangipane) will take it, she makes her way out of the cell block and towards the cafeteria. Surprisingly in the last week, Camila has managed to make a few acquaintances through Suzanne, giving a small wave to Taystee as she passes the taller woman, who smiles at her happily.

Camila is about to enter the cafeteria when a flurry of motion in her peripherals catches her attention. Turning, she sees Hansen waving for her to come to her, standing next to a ridiculously gorgeous dark-skinned girl.

"Hey, Hansen," Camila smiles as she approaches the pair, the unknown woman making Camila nervous with her looks.

"Hey, Cabello," Hansen smiles brightly. "I figured I'd introduce you to some people around here. Cabello, this is Kordei. Kordei, this is Cabello. She's new, been in for about two weeks now."

"Hey there," Kordei flashes Camila a smile that sends an odd shiver down her spine, like it wasn't genuine. "Anyways, a girl needs some grub in her stomach, despite how nasty that grub is." Kordei then turns to Hansen, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, "I'll see you later with my nail polish, right?"

"Yeah, I got you," Hansen smiles, watching as Kordei walks away. Camila watches the interaction with uncomfortable curiosity, wondering to herself why Kordei had to specify what Hansen has to bring with her. Her eyes follow the dark-skinned girl, her skin still crawling with uncertainty, when her eyes land on a certain green-eyed girl slowly eating her food.

"She's hot," Hansen hums, no doubt talking about Kordei still.

"Yeah, she is," Camila murmurs, her eyes still on Lauren. Shaking her head, she turns to Hansen, "So, food?"

"You're sitting with me and my girls today, and don't try to find a way out of this," Hansen says with a mischievous glint in her eyes, looping her arm with Camila's and practically dragging the brunette to the line for food.

"I'm just glad I have anyone to sit with, I'm not gonna fight this," Camila laughs as she grabs a tray, smiling thankfully at the red haired woman who gives it to her. She turns, moving to follow Hansen to her table when she stops dead in her tracks.

Oh god, she has to sit next to Lauren.

"Yo, come on Chancho, we ain't got all day!" Hansen hollers, making Camila jump slightly before she hustles her way toward the taller girl, sitting down at the table next to a short, blonde haired woman, rocking back and forth slightly as she mutters what sounds like Spanish under her breath. Camila could only really make out the words 'land' and 'advocado', confirming that the girl must be completely off her rocker.

"Als, babe, she's cool. You don't have to do your little thing," Hansen laughs, plopping down next to Lauren, who's eyes have been trained on Camila since she sat down.

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