43. Meihui

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Warmth, that was the first thing he sensed as the cramped crowd cheered on, whilst the lights of the stage dimmed down. Sweat, was the first thing he felt as his frail hand gradually let go of the lengthy metal pole. Meihui tilted his head back, shutting his eyes for merely a moment as he took a deep breath. Feeling his chest rise, the profound aching of his back slowly snaked up his spine. He could feel it hitting his head. The music seemed to damp down, a mere mulling noise at this point. Tired, so very tired. He thought, taking a slow step backward. He could feel it, hear it, the quivering of his legs, the sound of his own heartbeat, and his own frail breaths. 
Opening his eyes, everything came lynching back like a lash on the back. 

Meihui slowly backed away from the stage, ascending his way down the small stairwell leading off-stage. His head ached. Had it always been like this? Or could it be that he simply overanalyzed things as of late? That might have been it. He didn't know, he never knew. Hard-thinking when you're tired is like drunk-driving your life. The beep of his card against the lock of the door brought him somewhat back to reality,  as the clean light of the backstage staff room lit up before him. Meihui let out a sigh, a sigh of somewhat consolation. Everything about him felt heavy, from his arms all the way down to his feet. Letting his head roll from side to side, he let out a small groan. He stretched his arms out over his head and lamented gently. 

"Hm, hectic night? Or am I wrong?" The sound of Edwin's gentle, acquainted voice broke Meihui's delicate moment of peace. Yet, as consistently shown, he replied with a smile. 
"You aren't wrong there. Though, I am surprised. There haven't been this considerable an amount of people here in one week's worth of time, particularly talking about all the nights in one row." Meihui replied in his tired state of mind, slacking his way over to the dimmed-down lights of the makeup station. It felt so at respite, there, in the darkness, with damped music within the walls. Nothing but the yellowed glow from the makeup mirrors lights to guide. Edwin's eyes followed Meihui's every step, til he sat down beside him. Then, silence yet again. Positioning his arms down on the frigid surface of the makeup table, Meihui gently laid his face within his hands and slanted forward, allowing a faint, tired sigh to dance out of his lips. He didn't desire to listen, converse, or associate with the external world no more. Tired, just so tired.

Edwin ran his eyes across his overworked colleague sitting sloped over subsequently next to him. He appeared so run down, like a circus animal on its final cue of entertainment. The gluey, humid noise of Edwin slowly closing his lipgloss shut gently danced around the walls of the small, confined area. Meihui felt the young Dongcock's eyes glaring daggers into the back of his neck. Eventually, he turned to face the menace. They locked eyes in utter silence, Edwin's cold gaze piercing a hole through Meihui's soul. In those brown eyes laid the wrath of an everlasting hearth, lustrous amber in the first rays of dawn. Yet, so very dark and callous. Edwin smirked, squinting the very slightest.
"You seem tired, Mei. What's on your heart?" His warm voice slithered out so smoothly, like the finest of velvets, yet so inauthentic. Fraudulent. It drove shivers to gnaw on Meihui's tanned skin.
"Tired is just the first name, I am completely exhausted, fatigued if I may express myself with such words." The older man sighed, leaning back as he turned to face the mirror once more.

Edwin nodded, in sheer silence. He knew, he understood. But, did he care? If asked, he would not know how to respond to such a question nevertheless. He sighed, tilting his head and shook it lightly. 
"I understand your stress, Xun. But it all relies on you, what would occur if you weren't present? A fight? Maybe an accident or two. Or perhaps even murder? Though I suppose that every murder is the end of a story. So many tales take it as their start." Edwin cracked a small, cold smile upon his darkened face. Meihui quickly looked over at the other with big eyes, and Edwin caught them with such apprehension. 
"Oh! Oh, I was just kidding." Edwin chuckled as he watched Meihui frown and bury his face within the palms of his hands once more.
"Ugh, Edwin, I can not handle such- Distress like that. Please." He shook his head. "You're giving me a migraine." 
"A migraine? You're too kind Mei!" Edwin giggled. "But, it might put you at ease to know that we've all secured Ethan's place here. Officially, now." Edwin smiled gently, arms crossed as he looked down at his lap. Meihui gave Edwin a quick glance. The younger ones' smile was one of happiness, growing, much as a spring flower opens. In his eyes was warmth, ever a sparkle in their loving black.

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