27. Gentle Needles

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Unbelievably fast cars passed by the short man where he was sitting on the side of the street. The slightest thing could cause an accident in this afternoon rush, but the drivers didn't seem to care very much. After all, those with vehicles were either rich, or criminals. Those people had places to go. Cao turned to look at the mini market behind him as he played around with the piercing in his lip. His attention turning back to the road again. He put the half burned out cigarette between his lips once more and inhaled slowly, then exhaled, to watch the smoke drift away in the wind.
"Sorry for the wait." Ai's soft voice interrupted Cao's thoughts. Cao turned his head around to look at the shorter teen beside him, letting his eyes trail down to the bag of candy in Ai's hands.
"Is that what you bought? Candy? Really? You made me wait this long out in the cold for a bag of candy?" Cao asked in a disapproving tone, standing up and stretching his back with a crackling noise.

"When we were little me and Datui used to eat these all the time... Dad used to buy them for us." Ai explained with a small nod as a blush crept across his face. He offered Cao one of the White Rabbit pieces, but Cao just pushed Ai's hand back again and started walking down the road.
"I told you; Don't fucking talk about that. Do you ever listen? He's so fucking gross." Cao mumbled, listening to Ai's footsteps following behind him. He waited for Ai to answer, but when the silence continued he slowed down a bit and wrapped an arm around the others shoulder. "Hey Ai, you know I think you're the cutest, and also super adorable?" He started, and Ai looked up with a small nod. "Well, I just remembered something. I know a thing that can make you super sexy and attractive, and I know it would fit you. Have you ever considered, let's say... Snakebites?" He suggested, and Ai stared at him in confusion, waiting silently for Cao to continue. "I mean, you'd look hot as fuck with any piercings really, I think it would fit you great. Especially snake bites though, those are my favourite types. Lucky for you I know just the guy. Yung is a professional but you won't be needing any stupid parents approval, he does both tattoos and piercings, even on teens. He doesn't care about your age, as long as you can pay he delivers. Won't you give it a shot?" Cao tried to convince Ai with a smirk across his lips, and Ai listened carefully. He never imagined himself getting either a piercing or a tattoo, he had always been scared of how people would react to the sudden change. Being impure was not a small rumour, it was a family scandal. Though, after hearing Cao's words he had to think again.

After all, Ai would much rather be referred to as sexy and alluring, than cute and adorable.
"Maybe, but, well, you told me not to spend a lot of money?" Ai asked carefully, but Cao only shook his head slowly.
"Don't worry, it will be worth it. I've met him before and he does really good jobs so I'd rather have you spend a bit and get it properly made, than have you getting your entire face infected. In the long run, an infection would cost you more. Trust me on this." Cao reassured him.
"I mean, I do still have some loose money left, though-"
"Perfect, then what are you complaining about? Let's get going. It's nearby." Cao interrupted Ai before he could say anything else and started hurrying down the street. It took a long while of walking, but the teens finally ended up by a small tattoo and piercing studio, which could easily have gone unnoticed by those who weren't specifically looking for it. On the outside, the studio seemed so small, very thin, melting into the rest of the surrounding shops and companies that were both besides and above it. Big neon signs overshadowed the green one above the door;
B L A C K * S W A N * I N K

The entire building it was part of had dark gray walls. The studio itself only had that one sign hung above the small, dark door, next to a big window. On display, some cool decorations, detailed drawings in all mediums, and jewelry caught Ai's attention. If this studio had been placed on a street by Ai's home area, people would have looked through it all the time, but here in the big city anyone could walk past without even taking a glance. A crowd of big companies flashed their signs all around, fighting for the eyes attention. As Ai opened the door and stepped into the studio, Cao simply turned on his heels and left. He walked deeper into the big town to let Ai handle things on his own. Ai looked around curiously. Almost immediately he walked up to the big desk right in front of him to stare down at some of the piercing alternatives and jewelry designs.

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