39. The Run-Away Doll

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Ethan sat down onto one of the many benches placed out around the big school yard. He took his lunch box and stared down at the small pile of rice and pre-cooked vegetables with a disappointed sigh. Slowly, he pulled out a pair of chopsticks from a small plastic seal inside his big, colourful school bag. Then, his gaze flashed around the yard, searching for Edwin. Ethan could not spot his lover anywhere in sight, and truth be told, parts of him weren't expecting to. He wouldn't be surprised if his boyfriend merely decided to not show up at all. Edwin had skipped the morning classes that day, just like many other day the past weeks. Still, he had promised to be at the school in time to join Ethan for lunch. However, since today was the four month anniversary for Fei's death, Ethan could not blame him. Edwin might just not show up, that was not the end of his world, today was more important for his partner than a simple school lunch. Ethan made a mental note to go by the graveyard to give the Dongcock's family grave a flower. 

A few minutes passed where Ethan sat hoping that Edwin might just have been running late. That would not be out of character for the youngest Dongcock son. When no one showed, though, he checked the time, sighed, and started eating his cold rice. It had been quite a while since Ethan had eaten lunch alone, and he found it feeling rather strange. He looked towards the sports field a bit away from him just in time to notice one of the lower classes running out, starting to prepare for a game of football. Ethan had ditched the group he usually ate with, only to be able to have a calm date with Edwin. At first he thought he would thrive in a moment of peace. To for once not be crowded by those who always gathered around the teenage lovers. Young ones trying to get a foot into the Dongcock family, or merely wishing to be seen with the high-school sweethearts popular boys. Instead, with each minute passing, he felt himself getting more and more lonely, his anxiety rising within him. 

"Hey." Edwin's sudden voice startled Ethan out of his daydreaming and he turned around to stare at the blonde boy behind him in shock. 
"Uh, hi there Edwin." Ethan stuttered out, letting out a relieved sigh as he had been caught completely off guard, then he cracked up a smile and a laugh. 
"Apologies for being so late, I had to do a couple of things before leaving..." Edwin invited himself to sit right besides his partner on the ragged school bench.His eyes wandered between his peaceful-looking boyfriend and the field of students playing and calling between each other in front of them. "Are you watching football? Really? How gay of you Ethan. I never thought you'd go so low as to actually watch a school class playing sports on your free time." Edwin teased his boyfriend with a laugh. The moment the two of them united, both of their worries washed off like mere water. Edwin sipped from the small paper cup warming his fingers. The logo of the one gas station line that ran around the city like lampposts printed the navy blue paper on the cup. The scent of strongly roasted coffee fumed from it, though by now it was almost empty. Edwin passed the cup to Ethan who gladly emptied the last few drops. Ethan put the cup into the small plastic bag dedicated to trash that he always carried in his large school bag with him, just in case. 
"Well, what else do you suggest I do here? The other options for absolutely thrilling activities at this yard would likely be, hmm..." Ethan looked around, a bit sarcastically. "Oh, staring at the grass, or counting the clouds. I already did those though, so they're checked off the list." 

"Alright, I get it, I took a long time. I did apologize." Edwin defended himself, but Ethan just chuckled agreeable.
"It's fine. The sports is boring but at least it's something happening. Everything else here stands so still, all classes are gathered in the bottom-floor cafeteria." Ethan leaned his head against Edwin's shoulder, playing around with his chopsticks in his cold, plain rice. "I almost worried you'd forgotten to show up." He finally confessed, moving a bit closer to Edwin as Edwin gave his forehead a soft kiss. 
"I wouldn't do that, and if I ever did, I'd still repay you one way or another."  Edwin leaned back against Ethan and sighed deeply, wrapping an arm around the other's waist. "What are your plans for today? After your lunch break is over I'm just going to run one errand then I'm free . Maybe we can find something to do after school, if you'd like? I still haven't been at the new clothing store that opened, we could check it out and maybe just walk around a bit or something along those lines."
"That sounds lovely Edwin. If I'd have it my way we'd go right away but as it is right now, if my mother finds out I've missed one single minute more of my classes I'll get the chop. She's a little up all over right now." Ethan confessed, covering his sad tone up with a forced chuckle. Edwin just stared out at the field, watching the game. One of the guys got hit with the ball in his face and a quiet laugh escaped Edwin's lips. The group of classmates all gathered around their fallen champion in a great hurry. 

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