47. Border Drive

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Cleaning supplies, a heat-sealed black jar and the glossy platinum piercing all went into the same cheap, small plastic bag. One part of David was a tad bit sentimental to see his most expensive jewel disappear from his display window, yet he was thrilled to have it sold in spite of its hefty price. The cleaning supplies were always included in any purchase, a basic trick, for pleased customers will return even if not for an infection fix. As for the jar he did not ask, and got no questions in return. He handed the bag over to the customer. So far, this was just as much a cookie-cutter day as any other. 

"That will be 375 ¥, sir." He said, polite as ever despite the deep bags looming under his sleep-deprived eyes. David watched the taller man silently slip him 400¥ on the counter. He took them with a small yawn, slowly counted out 25¥ from the cash register. By the time he looked back up to give the man his change back, the bell above the door signaled it shut. David Yung found himself alone once more. 
"Sir- Uh, okay, thank you." David muttered to himself. That customer had done nothing but mumble oblivious complaints under his breathe the entire session. A takers tattoo on the left ribs, and a nose ring. An agonizing three hours for them both, to say the least. David had never been so relived to close the studio for the day. Though he was in no position to think badly of the man who had just paid enough to secure two more months of rent for this small business. 

After making his way around the counter and back to the studio area, David's closing routine started up once more, like a broken record. Lock the cash in the hidden safe, lock the key to that safe in another hidden safe. Tiredly clean off the tools that had been spread out across one of the small, wheeled tables. Put everything back into their respective bags and boxes. Refill skin creams, cleaning bottles and tissues where needed and make sure the jewelry in the displays were glossy and mermerizing enough. If it was one thing his father had taught him, it was to always make sure everything was kept clean and neat, a single bad rumour could put the entire shop on the line. A heavy sigh escaped his lips and he put a hand up to his forehead, feeling a slight headache growing onto him. However, as he looked at the big, retro styled clock on the wall his mood brightened up, instantly. Luui would most likely come pick him up any time. David flicked the lights off, grabbed his keys and locked the metal door behind him as he left the heavy air of the studio. He slipped around the building, just enough to be mostly out of view from the steet, then lit a cigarette. He tried to look chill where he hunched over, waiting for the familiar car to pull up, but his excitement was impossible to hide. A stupid, obvious smile spread all over his face.


Warm air blew into the pink haired mans face as he drove down the highway in full speed. The rumbling sound of the engine and the rustling of the wind pushing from outside was the only thing that could be heard through the metal box. For the first time in months, the traffic was calm. There were not a lot of vehicles on the road, which let the driver have some fun, at least in his mind. Suddenly the screeching of the tires being forcefully scraped against the concrete echoed through the air and the car came to a forceful stop. 

The young male smirked as he turned to face the familiar studio, parking right in front of it. He leaned back and rested his arms against the steering wheel, letting the bad air conditioner softly breeze against him. The strands of his pink dyed hair flowed gently in sync with the synthetic wind dancing within the vehicle. He looked over at the entrance door of the tattoo studio, waiting for any sign of his partner. 

It only took a few seconds before David came around the corner with hurried and excited steps, his backpack hanging around his right arm by one of the straps. The man in the car smiled to himself as he watched his lover run up to the car and throw himself into the passenger seat. David realized his mistake less than a second later, however, as the burning hot leather from the sides boiled his shoulder blades within seconds and he leaned forwards with a gasp. 
"Damn it's burning hot in here, Luui you need to get out!" David teased with a chuckle. He threw his backpack onto the seats behind them and leaned forwards, putting his elbows on his knees as he tried to avoid the leather. "How's you day been, love? You've been so busy lately, you really should take a rest." 

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