1. Orchid Rain

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He should have brought an umbrella, should have listened to fate. The sky was bleak and gray, aggressive clouds painting over the heavens. The air felt heavy and the rain poured down like a waterfall, drenching the student's hair and clothes completely. One class at a time, they made their way out of the school building in their summer uniforms; Not very well fitted for the weather. The wind blew right through the thin fabrics and the girls had to hold their skirts down to avoid the shame of it all. The classroom radio had crackled to life many times during that way, warning for the coming storm. At first, they advised all vehicles off the road. Then, all people that were not at work to stay at home. Soon, they started closing down the kindergartens and elementary schools. It was only a matter of time until the higher educations would be sent home as well. The higher ups called it recommendations, but everyone knew they were truly commands. There would be heavy prices to pay for those poor souls that went again the recommendation. The horrificly sinister weather approached fast. Any moment now would be the breaking point for bordering up the doors and window. The second period had only just begun when the principal started forcing class after class to leave the building. The students frustration was evident. The fact that it took this long for them to be allowed to leave was absurd. Being out on the streets was a risk few people wanted to take, but fact of the matter was, they never have a choice. They watched through the windows as their classmates one after another went outside from the long line that had been formed. Bikes, branches and benches were taken by the wind every now and again.

The loud school bell rang out, signaling once again that yet another five minutes had passed. In sixty, the doors were to be fully locked. Yet another class began gathering their things into their backpacks, finally having their own turn to get out of there. The stress punched through the air like hail. Shun grabbed the textbook in front of him and quickly made his way out of the classroom, a small frown plastered over his face. His sight glued to the floor. His limbs ached with exhaustion. His head pounded from the combination of lack of sleep and abundance of stress. 

He hit the main hall fast and a heavy sigh fell out of him as he glanced through the enormous windows. He shivered in his spot as those before him struggled to protect themselves from the unforgiving rain. It truly didn't let anyone go unharmed. He knew if they couldn't make it, he had no chance in the battle. He thought it was a bit strange they started with the oldest students, and not the first-years. This school had always been strange. It was placed at one of the least populated outskirts of Changchun. Next to the other struggling wooden cabins around it, this building looked like a skyscraper. It was the only school in Changchun dedicated to students Shun's age. Every single city member who were allowed an education, between the ages of fifteen and nineteen, collected at the exact same spot. Every city was like that. One big kindergarten, one big elementary school, one big middle school, one big high school. All children knew all other children born of the same year.

Shun looked down at his music lecture book, then stuffed it inside his dark gray cardigan. Determined to not let it get ruined, he moved closer to the entrance door one step at a time. The line moved too slow for his liking.
"Damn it..." He mumbled to himself, his body refusing to wind down. Finally his thin, tall body slithered between the last few students blocking the way, and he was free, out of that suffocating building with its loud noises and heavy pressure. At least, that was, until the rain hit him like a ton of bricks. Shun held one of his arms above his head and began to walk away from the building. The wind dragged its claws through his thin clothes.

The rain made it nearly impossible to see. He wanted to shield his face down towards the ground, but he also knew he needed to pay attention, god bet no one else between these fences were. Squinting more than ever, he looked up for a second to see a white, ruffled umbrella sticking up from the crowd. A small smile formed on his lips. He would recognize that anywhere. He hurried over, quickly coming up face to face with Ethan, who held firmly onto the structure of fabric that barely cast any protection at all. It looked so fragile in the wind, ready to break any second. Ethan's eyes lit up like stars at the sight of his dear Shun. Soon they both stood with their drenched heads under the fragile, white circle, and Shun's wet hair smacked Ethan right in the face. 

"Hey, what are you waiting for? We got called out minutes ago, you shouldn't just stand around." Shun asked with a smile, greeting Ethan with a peck on the cheek. He pushed some of his long dark hair out of his eyesight with a sigh. "I know you might not want to get home, but you really should. It beats staying out here. I'm going home too, even though I know mom's coming later."
"Well, uh..." Ethan's legs shook drastically. He turned his attention to the school for a second, before looking back at Shun with a smile. "Edwin promised to meet up outside, so I'm just waiting for him to get out now. I was right in the middle of my piano class when we were getting called out, can you believe it? What a shame. I wanted to wait in the hallway, but you should've seen, we all got pushed out before everyone had even gathered their belongings. Have you seen him? It's getting rather cold..." Ethan shivered in the wind, and the smile on Shun's face slowly dropped.

"Ah, Edwin? Uhm, well, he already left, actually. His brother came by and picked him up quite a while ago. At least before any of us got called out. Though, if you'd like, I can walk you home?" Shun suggested, tilting his head to the side and letting his soaked hair fall over his shoulder. "Though it might not be the same, I know you've been looking forwards to seeing him, I'm sorry."
"... He what?" Ethan stared at Shun in disbelief for a few seconds before rolling his eyes with a disappointed sigh. "That jerk." He commented, smiling at Shun once again. "How about I walk you home instead? You don't seem to have an umbrella, and I have nothing better to do anyway. Plus, I don't want you to get sick."
"How could I possibly turn down such an offer? I think that would be lovely." Shun nodded his head, wrapping his arm around Ethan's. The two of them started making their way down the flooded street, so close to each other they almost tipped over. Ethan kept bumping into Shun, almost thrown around by the wind, and the umbrella struggled like an autumn leaf.

"You should stay at my place until the rain is over. As long as the rain is over before five at least. The rest of my family is supposed to come home late, and god knows how long this curfew will be up. But, you know, better safe than sorry? I would have let you stay longer, but... I'm sorry about that." Shun offered as they hurriedly strutted along the road. Even through the storm, they enjoyed their time together. 
"Really, you need to stop apologizing over them. There's nothing you can change, so don't feel responsible. We can just have hopes that this will pass by quickly. I don't complain about spending time with my boyfriend." Ethan chuckled and gave Shun's side a light nudge with his elbow, which caused Shun to let out a knowing snicker as well. "You're too sweet to me. You know you don't have to do this, right? I'm fine walking home, I don't want to get you in trouble over something so small." Ethan continued, a bit more serious this time, and Shun just nodded.
"I know, but I want to. I like it when you're over." He answered, simple and honest. Ethan always adored that in him.

Shun was a gentle person. Someone who would apologize in a second. Someone who thought of other peoples benefits before his own. Someone who, at least towards Ethan, was always plain honest. Sure, it had gotten Shun into trouble more than once, but it made him a precious person. So likeable, so lovely. Ethan thought, if they would be flowers on a field, Shun would be a towering orchid, and Ethan would be the buttercup.

As they walked, shoes completely soaked, Ethan spotted a single struggling mosquito which had by some miraculous power not yet gotten absolutely destroyed by the harsh wind and water in the air. He nudged Shun's shoulder and pointed towards it as it fought the air.
"Emotionally, that is me." He mumbled.
"That's sad Ethan, oh no! But, I can relate." Shun failed to hold back a small laugh, soon followed by Ethan's giggling.
"It's not- Oh, yeah, it sort of is. You know, if the shoe fits, or whatever they say?"


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