13. Odd Breakfast

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Datui gradually opened his eyes and tiredly looked around in the unfamiliar, dark area, not really realizing where he was at first. He hadn't gotten used to the layout of his new room. He felt around the broad bed and soon grabbed onto Ai's slim arm to the left of him. A deep blush quickly crept onto his face.
"Oh..." He mumbled to himself and gently turned to look longingly at Ai's sleeping face for a second before he relaxed once again and carefully pulled Ai closer to him. Memories of the previous night flooded his mind, all he could think about was the soft touch of the other. He wrapped both his arms and legs around his friend, squeezing him. Ai rolled around to face Datui with a small groan. He started to open his eyes only to witness the sight of Datui's dark ones staring right back at him, causing Ai to gasp in fright before he recognized his extraordinary friend.
"Ah, please put me back to sleep." Ai begged in his hoarse morning voice, soon feeling Datui's elegant fingers starting to tenderly caress his upper arm in a comforting manner.
"You can go back to sleep." Datui whispered back, not taking his mild eyes off the smaller boy in front of him. He ran his fingertips down Ai's slender arm and grabbed onto his hand instead. He longed for the lips of the other once more, but the request seemed to out of reach, again. Just like before. Were they friends? He dared not hope for more, confirmed denial would only hurt further. 

Watching as Ai slowly closed his eyes once more, Datui's attention focused on their fingers, touching, lovingly. Soon, Ai opened his eyes again and stared back at Datui. Ai pulled his unoccupied hand up from below the soft blanket and obscured Datui's eyes with his fingers.
"Ah, there we go, that is much better. Sleep now, please, I know you need it more than me..." Ai mumbled, stuffing his face against Datui's comforting chest and finally closing his eyes once more. Datui shuffled himself a bit closer and hugged Ai again, kissing his head softly and closing his eyes as well. The two of them laid there in the comforts of each other's arms, their bodies still debilitated from the previous night. Ai could both hear and feel the racing, nervous heartbeat of the taller boy beneath him. For a moment, they both remained in a dream. It felt like hours, long sweet hours, but in reality, it might purely have been 30 seconds, before the peace got broken again. 

"Ai?" Datui whispered tenderly into the other's ear, already getting impatient. And nervous. Mostly nervous. He wished the moment could last forever, but he felt like his anxious, lovestruck heart might choke him if the silence went on any longer. "Ai? Ai, I can't sleep. Wake up Ai."
"Mn, then maybe..." Ai whispered back, pulling his face up from Datui's chest to stare at him. "How about you get your warm, naked body off mine, so I can sleep peacefully on my own?"
"Mh, no..." Datui protested, cracking a small smile across Ai's soft lips, before the scantier male suddenly pushed himself free from Datui's secure hold. Ai rolled to the other side of the luxurious bed, bringing the glossy covers with him. Datui spread his arms and legs out over the now vacant area beside him, taking up as much space as possible and stretching out.
"You should enjoy my warm, naked body while you can." He half-faked an offended tone, causing Ai to giggle quietly in the darkness encircling them. He'd always adored that about Datui. He was always so outspoken, not afraid to speak his mind. Someone who made Ai's heart skip a beat with every gaze. 

An angel, perhaps he'd call him, or maybe just a straight-up miracle. He always knew he'd never be able to title their relationship. Sure, best friends, but there was something more. Something a pair of simply friends couldn't render. A sparkle? A desire? Maybe so. The sheer thought of him made Ai all weak. Someone who's always been there for him, through the toughest of times to the happiest memories he'd ever evoke. After the previous night's happenings, he wasn't sure how to act anymore. Something about that had titled something within Ai. The view of his friend had shifted. Something warm, something bubbly. Something new awoke. He smiled a bit, as he thought quietly for himself in the darkness before Datui's deep voice interrupted his deliberations.

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