36. Noteworthy Preparation

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Emilio stared into the mirror as he slowly slid his hand through his long, curly hair. He stared thoughtfully into his own reflection, and it stared right back. His white shirt had been left, as usual, with the two highest buttons still unbuttoned by the neck, folded sleeves exposing his tattoo-decorated arms. Just like any other day at work, he wore a pair of black, formal dress pants. He had eyes the tie Rosa had put out on his side of the bed this evening, but decided against it. He just couldn't be bothered, didn't have the patience to feel too cramped. Tonight was going to belong. He could feel it in his bones. Emilio grunted at himself, looked up at the clock, and shook his head dismissingly at the time. He did not want to go. All he desired was to enjoy an ordinary formal dinner with his wife and celebrate life for once. These past few months had been more than a burden for him, barely leaving the couple any free time at all, besides a few hours of sleep. All the more, that was but a treat.

"Rosa? Are you ready honey?" Emilio called out as he produced his way from the bathroom and to the hall, stepping into his shoes. He could hear Rosa and Zen talking for a few seconds somewhere farther into the house as he swung his jacket over his shoulders. Before long, he saw her running towards the door.
"Are we delayed? We really can't be delayed! This is supposed to be important!" Rosa exclaimed as she looked through the body-sized mirror on the wall of the hallway, fixing up her mascara a bit.
"Take a breath dear, we're not late yet" Emilio spoke in a calming voice, smiling warmly at the sight of his lover. Rosa smiled back and blushed a bit, spinning around to show off the new light blue dress she had decided to wear for the first time.
"What do you think? Do I look alright?" She asked, walking up to her husband and clutching a hold of his hand.
"My Rosa, you look stunning, my gorgeous flower." Emilio felt his heart melt at the sight of Rosa's cheerful face, and he extended his hand up to slowly spin his wife around once more. His sweet comment made her giggle. He cupped her face gently and hauled her in close, pressing their lips together in a tender kiss. The blush deepened on Rosa's pudgy face and she offered Emilio a peck on the cheek before slipping out of his arms. She stepped into both heels and coat in black, closing it shut. It was not warm outside. Next, she looked over at Emilio, pondering how he wouldn't freeze.

"I earnestly hope everyone comes in time. I don't want any of our friends to miss this, whatever it is..." She mumbled worriedly, more to herself than to Emilio.
"And I'm guessing you've made more than enough food for Zen and the nanny for tonight?" Emilio tried to avoid the subject of the meeting as the couple forged their way out of the door. He locked it tightly behind himself.
"Why of course! You never know what might happen, there's food lasting for more than just the night believe me. Just in case. When is anything pleasant ever bound to happen when so many of us gather at the same place like this? It's extraordinarily rare, I don't have a good feeling." She sighed as she made her made down the frosty road and into the passenger seat of the car, waiting for Emilio to get in as well. Emilio stuck a hand underneath the driver's seat and brought out a small handgun. Rosa watched intensely as he made sure it was loaded, then handed it over to her. The car engine roared to life with ease.
"You'll never know." He said simply, his deep voice leaving a mark in the air as they were off towards the city.


Completely dismissing the parking lot dedicated to hotel guests, Hunter's vehicle came to a stop at the side of a narrower street diverting from the main road. They hunched right between two towering buildings, sheltering them from the viewers of the night. The handgun slipped with ease half into the left side of Emilio's pants, hidden underneath his long jacket. He walked around the car, glancing at the parking lot all while doing so. It was already very crowded. A handful of other companies had decided to park outside of it as well, likely also to be able to get away from the scene with less difficulty. A clever move, if you weren't planning to stay for the night. Some groups have gathered to chat outside the vast, humiliating building. There seemed to be a line to get inside.

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