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Destiny and Tearra rushed into the courtroom where her cousin was being arraigned

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Destiny and Tearra rushed into the courtroom where her cousin was being arraigned. She spots Alex and the others.

"Oh my god, Alex!" Destiny looks at her friend's eye.

"All rise. The Honorable Judge Diaz presiding..." as the bailiff speaks Destiny feels a chill up her body. She turns her head. Eye to eye with Diamond, Jayden's sister, she gets up from her seat.

"Oh my god." She drags her feet over to the girl. "Wow." She smiles pulling the girl into her arms. As they pull away they hear the verdict from the Judge.

"Setting the bail at 250,000. Your legal counsel will go over bail bond procedures if you choose to exercise that option. Trial date to be set at next hearing."

"No. No. He didn't do it." Alex stands to her feet.

"Come on." Destiny leads Diamond over to the group. Everyone shouting about the verdict.

"I'm just mad I missed the funeral." Diamond cries.

"Hey, we know you were away at college." Destiny rubs her back.

"Jayden always talked about how proud of you he was. How much he loved you." Angel smiles at the girl.

"Thank you. I am transferring to Spelman in the fall. Alcorn is great, but I need to be with family." Diamond begins to fan her face to dry her tears. "I heard about Atlanta NextFest. Congrats." She smiles towards her.

"Hey, I got an idea. How about the three of us compete together. Jayden would be so happy, three of his favorite women working together." Destiny suggests.

"She's right, just picture it. Us three on stage wearing Jayden's favorite color." Angel smiles. "My mom could design the outfits."

"Let's do it." Diamond agrees.

Destiny's phone dings signaling she has a text. "The girls want to meet at their rehearsal studio." She informs them.

"Let's go." They proceed out the door.

"What's up." The four girls make their way through the door.

"We've decided to throw a block party to raise the money for Derek," Alex informs them. "We need you." She smiles.

"Good afternoon, ladies." Says Jahil as he walks into the studio. "Alex, Destiny, Y'all doing alright.?"

"Good." They reply. Destiny knows there is something shady about Jahil but she doesn't know what it is.

"Anyway, listen. Someone actually posted a video of your performance on the Atlanta NextFest website. And I'm telling you right now, the reaction to it, the response has been off the charts. I've never seen anything like it." Jahil informs them.

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