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Destiny made her way into the salon

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Destiny made her way into the salon.

"What's going on?" Destiny whispered to one of the customers.

"The white girl burned herself on the sink while shampooing." The customer informed her.

"Doing better than me on my first week." Destiny laughed thinking about that first week.

"Hey Roberta, you still gotta pay." Cotton ran after the woman, which caused Destiny to laugh.

"Carlotta I don't know why you let that little Caucasian to work in here. She can't work a shampoo bowl, nasty attitude, always something wrong wit her." Bruce bad talked Star causing Danielle to laugh.

"What did you just say bitch? Say it one more time for me. I'm really, really tired of you two bible thumping whores, yes you, coming in here and talking about me every single day." Destiny laughed as Star told Bruce and Danielle off. Danielle left out the door. "Why is it that you think you know anything about me, where I was raised, who raised me, who was good to me black or white?" Star continued on Bruce.

"Star, come on upstairs. Let's talk." Destiny grabbed her.

"You're a racist, bitch." Star walked away.

"And now that you finished, bitch you little ass right in out the door." Bruce dismissed her.

"You need to shut the hell up." Destiny told her.

"And you need to get your yella ass out of my way." Bruce told her.

"Yeah I'm light, I'm mixed, what's wrong with white people.?" Destiny brushed her off. "Carlotta I'm going home." Destiny walked out.

Destiny walked inside her grandmothers house.

"Hi baby." Ms.Ruby greeted her.

"Hey Granny." Destiny gave her a small smile.

"What's wrong baby." Ruby asked her.

"Did you ever look at me differently, because of my momma being white?" She asked.

"I did at first, but when your dad died, and your mom said she didn't want you anymore, I knew I needed to protect you." Ruby grabbed her hand. "No matter who your mother is or her race you are my grand baby." Ruby hugged her.

"I feel like an outsider." Destiny cried.

"You are not an outsider and I'm sorry if I ever made you feel that way." Ruby rubbed her back.

"I'm going to my room." Destiny stood to her feet and moved them in direction to her room; she sat on her bed causing it to dip.

Destiny picked her notebook out of the box next to her bed. She flipped through the pages to a blank one. She smiled and touched the paper with the pen and went on to write.

As she wrote she heard voices outside her window.

"So you're gonna be living next door to me, huh?" Derek asked Alex.

"I'm so done with this place." Alex crosses her arms.

"I never got your name." Derek told her.

"That's because I never told you my name." Alex told him.

"Why you gotta be so rude?" He asks her.

"It's Alexandra." She caved. "You really think you can change the world?" She asked him.

"You see how crazy it is in these streets? How they treating us?" He asked jumping over the gate.

"Light skin lives matter man!" Destiny yelled out the window.

"Go to bed Destiny!" Derek yelled back at her.

"You're no fun!" She yelled closing her window laughing.

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