A Meeting of Fate

Start from the beginning

"I've told you over and over again, Thiavar, that I will not buy into the excuses you create for that wench. She is no princess to me and will never be a Queen. Not only has she killed beings that I love, but now she has stolen the mind of my child. This is clearly part of a plot to destroy the Faun clans, since she's already tried destroying her own kind." The woman shot to her hooves, banging her cup to the table and turning to her son.

"Laustus, let's go." She demanded sternly, gesticulating for the child, who was glaring from his place in the corner, to come to her side. With pouty lips, the boy vigorously shook his head in defiance. "Laustus!"

"I won't go! Not until I see her!" He protested loudly while grasping the edge of a table in attempts to keep from being taken. Spreely, the boy's pup, had fled to find refuge in between my hooves, cowering from the heated exchange between the queen and her son.

"Prince Laustus, she can't come back at the moment. I already told you. But I will relay your message to her when she is safely back with us." I reassured the boy, hoping he'd hear me and calm himself enough to listen to reason. He may have been a child, but he was not ignorant enough to keep this up. Or so I thought.

"I'll stay until then!"

"Absolutely not, son!" The queen grabbed the child, trying to pry his fingers from the table. All the while, Kakashi sat in his chair, watching wearily. I didn't expect him to know how to help let alone want to help.

So what happened next surprised me.

"Well then kid," once his voice filled the room, the chaos died down to a dull roar, "I am to take a team out to look for her and a couple others soon. If you know how to find her, you can helps us and see her yourself. If you don't know how to find her, then I ask that you offer what you know and return to your kingdom to keep it safe. Would Elvinia be happy if you let an important group of her people down?" The man had stood, casually placing his hands in his pockets as he eyed a more reasonable Laustus.

The prince stared contemplatively at the man, loosening his grip on the table so his mother could pick him up. The queen narrowed her eyes at Kakashi as she retrieved her son, and I held my breath in anticipation for the umpteenth time this morning.

"Fi-fine," the small faun relinquished his difficult ways, allowing me to finally release the breath I'd been holding, "I don't know how to find her here besides following her scent, but your dumb presence confuses the trail!" He whined acutely at the unapologetic man.

"Good, then we'll be going." The queen snapped her fingers at Spreely, who gratefully wagged his tail and jumped after his owners.

"Wait Mommy!" The prince turned back toward Kakashi. "The princess gave me this when she saved me from the dragon!" Rummaging through the small satchel around his furry waist, the prince retrieved what appeared to be an intricately carved, marble horn.

Eyeing it curiously, Kakashi tentatively grabbed ahold of the delicate instrument, running a finger through the divots and lines of the horn. The queen let out a derisive snort, throwing her head back in what appeared to be disgust.

"Just more evidence of her attempt at taking my son." The woman sneered angrily, her brows never relaxing from that frustrated furrow.

"N-no," I had been enamored at the sight, not realizing Elvinia had given away one of her most prized possessions, "she-she gave him THAT?!" A terribly embarrassing baaing snort left my mouth, causing me to quickly slap a hand over it.

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