The Satchel

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Meadthros and I had been at it for longer than I normally fought adversaries. With his advanced-level water techniques, it was difficult to parry him, especially since I had been out of practice.

Most of the humans had gone to fight Helvetica, and I was too busy dodging Meadthros to level Linksys to a large enough size to help. If I could just muster up enough power to lay him off one good time, I could spare myself chanting time.

My entire life, knowing the weakness of water was earth, I had tried desperately to master some spells pertaining to the specific element but was never successful. That's when I turned to electricity, or lightning. It wasn't necessarily water's weakness, but when mixed they became a dangerous concoction of death. However, since it was not my natural affinity, using any sort of lightning technique harmed me in return, and in a battle such as this, with no other back-up, I simply could not take such measures.

Igniting my hands for the thousandth time, I threw fireball after fireball.

"Really, Elvinia. You've fallen out of practice, haven't you? This is what happens when you consort with humans!" He taunted as he dodged each and every one with nonchalant grace only to return my attack with enormous waves of water.

With a roar that split the air itself, a scalding jet of unforgiving streams relentlessly pounded me, sending me flying into the side of the cliff. My body slid to the ground as the waves subsided, only for my gaze to meet the yellow eyes of the serpent. Its maw was dripping in blood and water, telling me it was the origin of that powerful attack. Not only that, but the humans now also held casualties.

Why wasn't Meadthros taking this opportunity to finish me off?

I squinted my eyes, trying to see passed the blurriness only to realize that the serpent's strike was headed straight for me, his jaw wide and teeth sharp.

By the time I could react, I'd be dead.

Maybe my reprieve was finally near.

As these nightmarish thoughts plagued me, a blur of a man stepped before me, his hands gripping tightly to a metal rod that now kept the jaws of the creature forcibly open. He glanced back at me, deep ebony eye swirling in fever; however, his mask had been removed from over his other eye, a deep crimson staring into my soul. A jagged, gray scar ran from above his brow to his cheekbone and through the eye socket. But seeing as the eye was untouched, only one thought came to mind: implanted.

"Don't just sit there. I'm not standing here for fun." His casual tone made my senses snap back. He was right. I was in the midst of battle, sitting here hoping for death. It was something I deserved, but at the same time, these people didn't, and I was the only one here to really save them.

As I readied myself for the spell, Helvetica's slinky body suddenly rammed to the side, Kakashi's metal rod breaking from the dragon's jaws. I watched as an enormous slug creature continuously rammed its head into the flailing dragon, attempting to squash it against the unforgiving sides of the rocky cliff. What astounded me the most, however, was that a certain female stood atop the creature. As much as I hated to admit it, the Tsunade woman had style.

"Don't worry, Elvinia!" He suddenly appeared next to me out of nowhere, his normally bright face clouded with dirty mud. "We've got your back!" He cheered, slapping a hand to my shoulder.

What he didn't realize was the fact that those words only made me the more frustrated. How'd he know exactly what to say every time?

Before I could stop myself, my arm wrapped around his neck, bringing him into me. Burying my face into his bright blonde hair, I spoke, "quit saying such nonsense. It'll only make me want to stay." It was barely a whisper. I couldn't believe the words myself, even if they had come from my lips. But it made it so hard for me to keep up the act. Letting him go, I couldn't help but chuckle at his seemingly speechless self, cheeks ablaze for some reason unknown to me.

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