When the Demons Really Don't Stop

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"Show yourself, Elvinia. Wouldn't want something to happen to your human friends, would you?" His voice sent involuntary shivers through me as I whispered chants of calmness into the ears of my panting dragon. "I hear Asuma, here, is gonna be a father! Wow! Let's not send his child a body bag, get my drift?" It was then I froze at his clearly amused warning. And it all came back- well, parts of it.

"How's Asuma been doing with the news?" Guy questioned as he finished giving his order to a waiter.

"He's enjoying the aspect of being a father. Between that and Shikamaru, he's even taken on the incentive of throwing away the cigarettes for good." She chuckled sweetly at the thought before taking another sip of water.

The woman's glistening crimson eyes flashed in my mind, making me pale in horror. Asuma was the father. The man I had almost let die was a possible father. Yes, I didn't necessarily like the man for what he had done, but on no grounds was I going to punish him to that extent now that I knew what was at stake.

As these thoughts consumed me, I glanced at the fight only to jump straight into action.

"Asuma, behind you!" Shikamaru yelled as the three-bladed scythe flew toward the man. He dodged just in time, but I knew Hidan's ulterior motive before Asuma would even realize the worst. And that's when it happened. I knew I wasn't going back to Konoha. I knew I was going to let my invasive emotions consume me, blocking my better judgment. He was a human. Why I sacrificed so much for these people, I wasn't sure.

Extending my hands, I attempted to catch the blades, but the momentum got the better of me, and a fire unlike any other erupted in my abdomen. I hadn't even had time to erect a barrier. Something like that of a brick wall halted my impetus backward, and I felt the blades sink even deeper. A cry escaped my lips as my hands fell limply, and all my energy drained at that very moment. I could feel my invisibility spell taper off, leaving me vulnerable.

"Oh? This is the chic he told us to take?" Grabbing a fistful of hair at the top of my head, the bastard yanked my neck to the side to run his foul eyes over my body. He chuckled malevolently as a golden liquid seeped over us, covering the ground and mixing with the crimson stains. "Golden blood? Let's have a taste." Digging a finger into my wounds, he rose his hand as if to lick the liquid.

"How about we don't and say we did, you bastard." Spitting on his face, I snatched his hand down and cleaned the blood off. Quickly grabbing the scythe, I removed it from my abdomen with much effort and stumbled away.

"E-elvinia?" Asuma hurriedly ran to my struggling form, helping me carry my weight. I pushed him away, knowing if he stayed, he wouldn't survive.

"Go. Be a wonderful father and repay my sacrifice." I demanded, pointing toward the trees and imploring him with the rest of my energy to retreat. His eyes glowed intensely in a mixture of guilt, anguish, and blame. Tears gathered around his eyes as he vacillated. "Go!" I yelled hoarsely, letting my anger intimidate him.

Nodding in determination and hidden promise, he gesticulated for his members to follow. I knew that my sacrifice was most likely for naught, but it somehow made me feel free. I for once didn't feel like my decisions rested on a selfish outcome. It was the humans that freed me. They were to not only blame but to also thank. And I hated it.

"I don't think so!" Cackling malevolently, Hidan dashed after them. I was too weak to care. They'd find reinforcements eventually. Besides, if Asuma were to die, then it was fate, and my intervention would be irrelevant anyway.

"Tsk, tsk," he mocked, circling my form as I rested on my knees. The loss of blood was making my vision go in and out. I never was one for healing spells. If only I had my satchel, "this is what happens when you leave your kind for a lesser one. Just what were you looking for? Freedom? Reprieve? Money? Love? Sorry, but you belong to me." Rapping his large hand around my neck, he lifted me a good foot off the ground, making sure I looked him deep in those emerald eyes. He was a very powerful elf, very influential, and very muscular even for his kind. Even at my outstanding height of almost six feet, he beat me by a good foot.

"Clearly, I don't belong to you, or you'd be king. Am I wrong?" Teasingly, I managed a smirk as I spit out those mocking words. His grip forcefully tightened, spouts of golden liquid being expectorated from my mouth. I glanced over after I heard the growling of my dragon. He was limping toward us, eyes murderous.

He knew just what insanity lied beneath those foul, emerald eyes.

With a snap of the fingers, the male elf commanded his mysterious, hypnotized dragon into action. The beast overpowered my injured beauty, pinning him to the ground and snapping at his neck. Keeping a threatening bite on his throat, the dragon watched patiently as Linksys ceased to struggle, scared he'd move the wrong way and tear his own throat out. I bit my lip, knowing that whatever this devil wanted, I'd have to willingly comply.

Seeing the dying fire in my eyes, the male chuckled in triumph. Tossing me most forcefully, the male watched gleefully as I slid and tumbled violently across the concrete, stopping in front of Hidan's eccentric partner. The male watched me with oddly colored eyes, no emotion present. At this point, I was on the brink of unconsciousness.

"Kakuzu, was it?" Gathering the man's attention, the male elf chuckled evilly. "I've heard you know a thing or two about extracting hearts. Get hers for me, will ya?" His plan was then clear to me. I gasped involuntarily, knowing the nightmare that I had gotten myself into. Initially, I suspected him of wanting the crown again- that he was simply going to force me into a marriage like he had tried before. But what he was vying for was much worse and involved a demon I had set my whole life upon to forget. "Oh, and an elf's heart is on the right side, by the way."

"You will not touch me, if you wish to live." As his hand extended toward me, a dark voice I had stashed away seeped from within. It even caused him to hesitate, eyes wide and in shock. "The goal you seek is impossible, Vipirus. I locked that. . . that thing away. My father's legacy is no more. Give it up before you sign a contract that will make you wish you were never born." I hissed so venomously, that I feared the actual poison was dripping from my lips. This evoked another amused, nonchalant chuckle.

"You only wish such a feat were true. Elvinia, you forget that I know you. Deny me and your precious companion dies." With those words, I closed my eyes and lost all feeling. My body was numb, and my mind was through. I was done. I was so weary. To be put through this nightmare again would be to shatter my soul. If this were to truly happen, nothing would save me, not even the petty words of humans.

"Take it. Do it and use me up. Don't leave me alive this time." My words came out pitifully, as if all will to fight had been sapped. Kakuzu glanced at Vipirus as if for permission. The elf smiled almost maniacally, nodding once to commence the treachery. Ripping open my garment, the man traced a kunai along the scar that told tales of a nightmarish past. "Leader-sama instructed us to keep her alive." Kakuzu stated habitually, narrowing his eyes at the faded scar that ran from the top of my breast to the bottom of my ribcage, over where my heart was located.

"Oh, it won't kill her. If anything, she'll only seem to grow a little less spunky, yea?" He bent down, running a finger along my cheek. I defiantly turned away, cursing the day my father lost his mind. He threw his head back in a hearty laughter. Kakuzu, with a mask of indifference, held steadfastly with my gaze. I silently let him know of my hate, hoping he'd be haunted by it every waking moment of his shortened life. Anyone who messed with me never lived long enough to speak of it.

And that's when I saw gold, so I surrendered my mind to the darkness within.

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