A Hated Memory

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Tsunade had given me the task of meeting the ninjas of this village that I'd probably be earning money with. I had already met Naruto, so I decided to ask him for help. It was a simple task, but I didn't want to do it. I still had that arrogance bubbling in me that refused to allow me to help humans. It was a new emotion I hadn't had the time to properly tame.

First, I was going to reclaim Linksys from this so called veterinarian, but I was distracted by the sudden presence of Naruto. He was on the street across from me. I could tell by the way his soul resonated. That's how I had distinguished the elves in my hometown, anyway.

I slowly but surely made my way over there, only to be met with surprise. Naruto blinked, staring at a huge, white mongrel wagging his tail playfully. The brunette sitting next to the mutt leaned forward, seemingly comparing his height to Naruto's.

"Geez, Naruto," he exclaimed brightly, "you really grew, huh? You've almost caught up to me!"

Naruto shook his head, still taking in the massive ball of fur as it lolled its tongue to the side.

"That's nuthin," Naruto stated sheepishly, "compared to Akamaru, I hardly grew at all. . ."

The brunette paused and glanced at the dog thoughtfully.

"Really?" He finally asked before shrugging his shoulders. "I guess I just didn't notice cause we're always together. He really hasn't changed to me."

Ruff! The dog barked in what sounded like agreement as he stood, shaking out his coat.

"Well trust me," Naruto argued, "he's a lot bigger. I mean, he used to ride on your head! Am I right, Shino?!"

Naruto leaned back to peer at a boy whom I just realized was on the other side of the tree, jumping nervously when he noticed the boy's dark aura.

"I see you recognized Kiba right away. . ." the boy drawled dejectedly, "didn't you Naruto?"

He hadn't seemed to immediately recognize the boy – most likely due to his mouth being covered by the tall collar of his green jacket, the dark sunglasses obscuring the entirety of his eyes, and the dark green hood covering his head. Naruto flinched in what was most likely flustered guilt.

He suddenly whirled around, having heard a soft gasp from behind him. Narrowing his eyes, he jogged a few meters down the road before turning to his left.

"Hinata!" He cried, having spotted a young, pretty girl standing with her back against a tall fence. Her eyes were so pale I wondered whether she was blind or not. They shot wide open at the sight of him, a deep blush coloring her cheeks which negated any prior thoughts of her blindness. The girl remained speechless. It was as if she wasn't comfortable conversing with him.

"I thought that was you," Naruto continued cognizably, "what's up? Why are ya hidin' back here?"

The girl stared at Naruto a moment longer before abruptly passing out and falling to the ground.

"H-hinata?!" Naruto panicked, unsure of what to do.

"What's wrong?!" The one known as Kiba ran over and skidded to a halt behind Naruto. Peering down, Kiba saw his female friend on the ground and let out a weary sigh.

"Aww man," he complained, "why does she always do stuff like this around you?"

I was just as confused as the mutt trainer. This girl definitely had problems.  All that aside, I was ready to get this little set back out of the way. It was time I found that veterinarian.

"Naruto," I stepped out of the shadow I had been silently observing from and made my way toward him, "I have a favor."

He immediately smiled upon my appearance and motioned for his (conscious) friends to gather round.

Dragon Shinobi [NARUTO] [KAKASHIxOC]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя