Wuhen Tumultus

143 18 10

It was a different area but of the same time that another dragon's roar was heard. Well, a tiny roar, that is. Without his normal master, Linksys was stuck with a slight problem.

"What in the world?" Sai was the first to hear the small reptile's cry, instantly gazing up toward the cloudy sky from under the restaurant's curtains for the source. Suddenly, a white form descended from the clouds. It was hard to tell what it was, for it blended into the background.

But Kakashi knew exactly what it was.

And without slowing down, the dragon collided with the only male he wanted to see at the moment. The poor reptile's insides were twisting and turning in the agony of grief. He hadn't wanted to leave his Elvinia, but she'd forced him to flee! The only desire left in the dragon was to seek out his master's friend. And here Kakashi was, struggling to contain the dragon as it climbed all over the ninja. Linksys was more than overjoyed to see Kakashi. That was evident.

"L-linksys?!" Sakura burst out in surprise, almost spilling her ramen.

"But wasn't he with Elvinia?" Naruto paused for a moment, his face suddenly contorting in disbelief. "Does that mean–?!"


All heads turned toward the voice behind them. The satyr's face was void of emotion, but his eyes twinkled in something fierce. He calmly found himself a stool beside the group, fidgeting nervously as his hooves clonked noisily with the metal.

"Humans here don't know that staring is rude, huh? Quite an awkward village, I must say." He chuckled delightedly, fiddling with his horns. It seemed he was bad at reading moods, for his nonchalance was clashing with the intensely serious atmosphere.

"How do you know? Why is Linksys here?" Naruto pressed the issue, ignoring the creature's statement. Thiavar dramatically blew a strand of golden hair from his eyes, turning to face the curious group.

"If she were to die, Linksys would revert back to a mindless beast and rampage until someone killed him. Her soul is linked to his. If she dies, he is technically left without a soul and therefore, an identity." Thiavar explained sternly, his eyes never leaving the dragon now asleep on Kakashi's shoulder. "Does that look like a mindless beast to you?"

Upon the creature's question, Linksys became the subject of attention. Kakashi sighed heavily, knowing exactly what this meant. He recalled the words from Elvinia's letter.

I will send Linksys away. I suspect he will find either Naruto or you. He'll undoubtedly bond with whomever he chooses, and he will then be your dragon. Take good care of my baby.

"Does this mean he's chosen me?" Kakashi glanced at the snorer on his shoulder, wondering just how he was to care for the animal. Were you supposed to feed dragons? Give them baths? . . . Brush their teeth? He hoped for anything but the latter.

"It appears so. Have you-" Thiavar began but was unable to finish.

"Chosen Kakashi?" Naruto inquired.

"What does that mean?" Sai added inquisitively, handing his empty bowl to Teuchi, the ramen cook.

"It means you're the new, hopefully temporary, master of Linksys. She's obviously in no shape to care for him, or she wouldn't have forced him to leave. Have you received a reply back from her?" Thiavar shifted in his seat, taking glances at the contents of their bowls. Kakashi averted his gaze.

Dragon Shinobi [NARUTO] [KAKASHIxOC]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu