Chapter 15: Playthings of Destiny

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Chapter 15: Playthings of Destiny


Inside the Bounty's cabin is a bed. This is Master Wu's bed. It is made of a soft foam-like material, in stark contrast with the rigid plastic of the rest of the Destiny's Bounty.

Master Wu motions for Lloyd to take a seat on his bed before sitting down on it himself. He strokes his beard in deep thought. This will be a difficult tale to tell. Master Wu begins hesitantly.

MASTER WU: Lloyd, we are not... like... other people. You come from a line of Firsts. My father was the First Spinjitzu Master. Garmadon and I were the first children created in the Cloud Kingdom. You were the first child born of Cloud Kingdom heritage.

Lloyd suddenly interrupts his uncle as he tries to take in this information.

LLOYD: Wait! I'm... I'm sorry. What did you just say?

MASTER WU: You were the first child born of Cloud Kingdom heritage.

LLOYD: No, no, no, no. Before that! The thing right before that!

MASTER WU: What? Garmadon and I were the first children created in the Cloud Kingdom?

LLOYD: You mean, you and Dad weren't... born? Didn't you have a mom?

MASTER WU: For Garmadon? Perhaps. For myself? Not... exactly.

Master Wu raises his hand as though to demonstrate something. Sparks of Golden Power appear and hover above his open palm.

MASTER WU: My father made Garmadon and I out of his own life force.

The sparks come together and form a glowing tea leaf.

MASTER WU: I was created by blending his life force with that of a wise, old tea maker from the land of China.

Lloyd makes a brief "Why am I not surprised?" look. The sparks then morph and turn into the glowing symbol of a dragon. The way it is positioned, it resembles the lighter Yang side of the Yin and Yang symbol.

MASTER WU: Garmadon was created when my father mixed his life force with that of a fierce General from the Dragonlands.

The camera pushes in on the glowing dragon symbol as we transition to...


The dragon symbol flash dissolves into a shot of an actual dragon soaring among the clouds. A large flock of brick-built dragons flies by slowly in the background. Some brick-built clouds move out of the way, revealing a majestic floating city with white, ivory towers. This is the CLOUD KINGDOM. Enchanting shamisen music can be heard in the background.

A sign can be seen that reads "Cloud Kingdom, the Realm of Smoke and Mirrors." Beneath it is another sign that reads "Free Will is an illusion."Nearly everything in the Cloud Kingdom is made of Lego, except for the said smoke and mirrors. The entire Realm is designed to look too flawless, a little too perfect, too good to be true. All the Cloud Kingdom citizens have a self-righteous and superior air about them. They all feel "above it all".

Master Wu continues narrating some of the flashback's events in a voice over. But most of it is spoken dialogue by the actual characters.

MASTER WU (V.O.): Garmadon and I were made to be brothers.

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