Chapter 11: A Father Destroys, A Father Rebuilds

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Lord Garmadon is defeated. His Shark Mech is a broken and smoking heap. Garmadon coughs as the smoke clears. He tries pressing buttons and pulling levers in his control panel but nothing works. The Shark Mech does not respond but it's shields are still up and activated.

GARMADON: (cough) Jeez, where did that come from? I did not see that coming. (cough) Your missiles are very accurate, Green Ninja. Too bad for you, I upgraded all of my shields! (to himself) That's all I seem to have at the moment, just some upgraded shields.

Lloyd speaks with a forceful and bitter edge to his voice.

LLOYD: Face it, Garmadon. You will never take over Ninjago, so why don't you just give up and go away for good?

Garmadon lets out an exasperated sigh.

GARMADON: Look, it's been a really rough day for me. I've had to face my disappointment of a son...

Lloyd visibly flinches at this.

GARMADON: You've foiled my plan to conquer Ninjago. And now you've trashed my Shark Mech.

Lloyd's patience is wearing thin.


GARMADON: Okay, okay.

Garmadon raises his arms in mock surrender.

GARMADON: But mark my words! One day, I will conquer Ninjago! Maybe not today but just you wait, Green Ninja!

Lloyd seethes in anger and lets the words slip.

LLOYD: Oh I'll be waiting... Dad.

We go to a quick split screen shot reaction of all the other Ninja widening their eyes in realization. But they don't say anything.

GARMADON: Sorry, what? What was that last thing you said?

Garmadon leans over towards Lloyd.

LLOYD: What?

Lloyd is defensive.

GARMADON: That last part, I didn't catch it.

Lloyd feels trapped. He rambles very quickly and instinctively lashes out in frustration.

LLOYD: Whuh uh uh? I didn't say anything. What do you mean? I said I'll be waiting and then I stopped talking...

Lloyd's voice then takes on a deliberately bitter and sarcastic edge.


Lloyd takes off his mask in defiance. He has had enough of hiding. He is furious.

We quickly go back to the split screen shot reaction of all the other Ninja.


GARMADON: Luh-loyd?

Lloyd reveals himself as the Green Ninja.

LLOYD: That's right! I'm your son! The one you almost killed today!

Garmadon is momentarily stunned. His mind is blown.

GARMADON: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... ????

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