Chapter 2: Believer

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We fade in to see a shot of Master Wu from the back as he looks on to see a school campus. The song "Believer" by Imagine Dragons begins playing as an entirely wordless montage sequence of Master Wu recruiting the ninja occurs.

We see a close up of Master Wu in deep thought. We then go into his POV (point of view) shot as he looks at a sign on the right side that reads "NINJAGO HIGH SCHOOL." The national emblem of Ninjago can also be seen. It is a rectangle with six dots inside, resembling a 3x2 Lego brick standing upright.


Several teenage boys are playing a game of dodgeball. We see a close up of one of the boys with a confident look on his face. This is COLE, a young man with black tousled hair and long bangs. He has thick, black, bushy eyebrows that accentuate his expressions.

  [Song: Believer by Imagine Dragons]

[First things first, I'ma say all the words inside my head]
Cole throws a dodgeball at his fellow classmate so hard that the other student smashes through the wall of the gym, leaving behind a minifig-shaped hole. Cole sheepishly raises his hands as though to say "whoops".

[I'm fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh-ooh The way that things have been, oh-ooh]Everyone else is freaked out by Cole's super strength and runs away from Cole

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[I'm fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh-ooh The way that things have been, oh-ooh]
Everyone else is freaked out by Cole's super strength and runs away from Cole. Saddened, Cole hangs his head down when he is left alone in the gym. Alone except for one person. Master Wu puts his hand on Cole's shoulder and recruits Cole for his Secret Ninja Force. Cole looks up and smiles.


Several students are swimming laps around the pool filled with actual non-Lego water. But one lone student can be seen meditating at the bottom of the pool. Close up on this boy. He is ZANE, an unusual young boy with a white crew cut.

 He is ZANE, an unusual young boy with a white crew cut

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