Chapter 5: High School High Jinks and Mommy Issues

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The song "Operation New Me" begins playing.

[SONG: Operation New Me by Jingle Punks]

[Out the door and I'm ready to go-oh]
Lloyd walks up to his other classmates as the bus stop and waves hi.  

LLOYD: Hello!

[It's me version 2.0 –oh, Here's something you never see it, makes it right]
None of Lloyd's classmates want to associate with him. They tear up Lego bricks from the surrounding area and build a literal brick wall in between them and Lloyd. They shun him, looking the other way with arms crossed, chins up and eyes closed.

[People talking about my dad's situation]
The bus arrives and Lloyd walks into the bus. Everyone is fighting in a rowdy dust ball of violence. The moment Lloyd steps into the middle of the aisle, everyone stops whatever they were doing and sits down, glaring at Lloyd. There are a few empty seats left.

[I'll always be the shame of the nation]
Lloyd's other classmates rush into the bus, shoving Lloyd out of the way and claiming the few remaining seats.


[Could it be that they'll never see me as me]
Lloyd sits down in the last remaining free seat. Someone tosses a crumpled piece of paper at him. Lloyd unfolds it and he sees a crude drawing of himself in black Overlord robes when he used to be evil.

[Operation New Me]
After taking a seat, Lloyd looks at his other classmates and sees they all moved to the other side of the bus.

[Operation New Me]
Lloyd looks out the window and forces a smile but it melts away quickly as the bus starts to move.

[If you don't like what the world's saying, Time to start a new conversation]
The bus is entirely tilted to one's side as it moves.


[You are not a no one]
Panning shot of Ninjago High School as the bus rolls into view.

[Deep down you're a top gun]
Shot of multiple students entering the school either by foot, skateboard or bike.

[Be your own wingman, Wheels up to the sky]
Lloyd steps out of the bus and surveys the area. The bus door slams shut and the music cuts abruptly.

Sounds of students chattering all silence when Lloyd comes into view . Everyone glares at Lloyd. Lloyd slowly walks to the school entrance. As he passes by, he can hear the other students whispering about him behind his back.

KID # 1: Shhhh. That's the kid I was telling you about.

KID # 2: He and his dad ruin everything.

KID # 3: I don't even think that's his real eye color. Ever notice how his eyes only started being consistently green around the same time the Green Ninja started showing up? What a copycat!

Lloyd can feel everyone's gaze on him as he walks. But suddenly Zane slides in and diffuses the tension. Lloyd's mood lightens up considerably. Zane talks with a very robotic inflection.

ZANE: Hello fellow teenager!

LLOYD: Zane, buddy! How ya been?

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