Chapter 23

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The day Shanelle was released from the hospital Jaylin saw to it that she got everything she needed. The nights she couldn't sleep because of intense pain, he was there. The days that she just wanted to lie in bed, he was there holding her to his chest comforting her. Shanelle thanked him every day that passed for being her hero. He may not have seen it that way, but to her he was her knight in shining armor. When he'd told her to stop calling him that, she had him sit beside her so that she could explain and make him understand why he was and would remain her knight. She wanted him to understand that even though she was hurt and abused, she wasn't dead. He saved her life. Just because he wasn't there for the first initial attack, he saved her from a worse fate.
Shanelle didn't want Jaylin to go another day thinking she blamed him for Roderick's actions. It was her decision to walk out of the ballroom without him. It was a major slipup on her behalf, not his. As long as Jaylin blamed himself for what had been done to her, Roderick was going to win. He had to see that in the end, Roderick hadn't won. He didn't and wouldn't ever break her. She was a strong determined woman, if he didn't see that then there was nothing she could do to change his mind. She'd told him what she thought and felt, the rest was up to him to figure out.

Days after their long talk, Jaylin got a call about a possible jumpstart to his football career, something he'd been wanting since he'd been let go from the NFL. When he went to turn down the meeting, Shanelle snatched the phone from him and told his publicist that he would be on the next thing smoking before she ended the call.

"Shanelle, what the hell was that about? Why did you do that?"

"Because you were about to pass up a wonderful opportunity, that's why."

Jaylin glared at Shanelle. "So what! The same way this opportunity came up, so will another one. Only thing I'm worried about right now, at this moment, is you and your health."

Shanelle sucked her teeth as she glared up at Jaylin. "That's bullshit and you know it."

"Oh really? Since when?"

"Since now. You're using me as an excuse. You've been waiting for another chance to play ball, why give it up? What are you so afraid of?"

Jaylin growled angrily. "I don't have to be afraid to want to take care of my wife, now do I? No! This shouldn't even be a discussion, Shanelle. I need to tak-"

Shanelle stopped Jaylin's words in their tracks. "No you don't. I can take care of myself. I don't need you worrying around here about me. I'll be fine for a few days without you," she replied tightly. "My cuts and bruises are nothing more than a thing of the past. You worried about my ribs? Don't be. The doctor said that they're healing just fine. I can breathe fine. I'm doing a damn good job at it now, aren't I?" Shanelle asked angrily.

"That's not the point," Jaylin shot back. "I need to be-"

"Jaylin, I'm fine without you!" Shanelle yelled.

The minute those words left her mouth she could see the pain in his eyes as clear as day. She hadn't meant to hurt his feelings but she wanted to show him that she wasn't an invalid.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. What I'm trying to say is that I can't claim to love you if I keep you from doing something that could better your career. This is what you've been waiting for, why give up now? I can't sit by and let you walk out on something like this. You've taken care of me for weeks now, it's my turn to return the favor," Shanelle said quietly.

Jaylin studied Shanelle for long moments, contemplating on her words. It would absolutely kill him if something happened to her and he wasn't around to protect her, even if it was from herself.

As if reading his thoughts, Shanelle walked over and wrapped her arms around his lean waist. "Jaylin baby, I'll be fine. If anything happens, I still have friends and family here that will be here if I need them but I assure you that I won't. A few fractured ribs aren't going to keep me down. Just go see what the league has to offer. If you're not feeling it say no and come back home, simple as that. You won't know what you're giving up if you back out now," she said giving Jaylin her best pleading look.

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