Chapter 14

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Jaylin had just finished yet another intense workout session and it still didn't keep his mind from wondering off to Shanelle. Every time he was within reach of her, it would get harder and harder to control himself. It had been over two months since they'd started dated, and it wasn't getting any easier for him to ignore his body's reaction to her. If she wanted things to go slow, then he would give it to her but if he didn't get a hold of himself he just knew that he was going to self-combust. Everything about her had him wanting to do things to her that would make a professional call girl blush.
He grabbed a towel that hung from a nearby weight bench and started drying off his sweaty chest and arms. The more he wiped the sweat from his heated body, the more he wished it were Shanelle's hands... caressing and seducing his body. Before he knew it, he was sporting yet another painful erection.

"Dear Jesus," he growled, as he headed up the steps of his basement to go take a much needed shower, a long cold shower.

On his way up the stairs from his basement he grabbed a cold bottle of water hoping it would cool his body and lust. Once he made it upstairs, he guzzled down the water and threw the empty bottle into the trash. As soon as he got ready to head towards the shower he heard his doorbell ring. He hurriedly fixed his growing problem and went to answer the door. When he opened the door, he saw Jordan and Stephen standing there.

"What's up, Jay?" they greeted.

"Hey, what's up fella's?" Jaylin said, stepping back to let them enter his home.

Once he'd seen his guests to his den, he excused himself and ran up to his room and grabbed a muscle shirt before he came back down. When he walked into the den he saw Stephen flipping through the channels in search for the big basketball game. 

Jaylin took a seat next to Jordan giving him a look. "So what's up, bro?"

"Nothing much," Jordan replied, his eyes glued to the large television screen.

Jaylin gave his older brother a sideways look. "Joe, what do you want? When I asked you last night if you were coming over you said no. What gives?"

"Ohhhh about that, the reason I came over was to see if you and Shanelle would watch Asia for me and Nicole. We made plans to go out tomorrow night, the babysitter backed out at the last minute and the tickets are nonrefundable. You think you can help us out? If you and Shanelle have plans, we'll understand."

"Really, Jordan? Do you mean to tell me you drove all the way over here to ask me to watch the baby when all you had to do was call and ask? Boy stop lying and tell the truth," Jaylin said with a grin.   

Stephen looked at Jordan and Jaylin. "What are you ladies going on about now?" he asked, looking at the two brothers before he looked back at the TV.

"Jordan needs to learn to tell the truth and stop lying to his wife. He keep it up, Nicole is going to have his ass sleeping on the couch in their garage. Tell me big bro, what kind of lie did you come up with this time?"

Stephen laughed. "Damn Jordan, you need to lie to kick it now? Wow."

"Ha ha. Shut up and watch the game," Jordan said, slouching down in his seat staring up at the TV. "And for your information, I don't have to lie to kick it nowhere."

"Jordan, don't be mad. We understand that you're whipped," Jaylin chuckled.

Jordan turned to his little brother. "You're one to talk. You and Shanelle have been dating how long now? Jay, you follow along with everything she says. Don't get me wrong, Shanelle is a damned beautiful woman with a good heart but she's got your nose wide open and you can't even see it."

"That's different though, and in what world is that bad?" Jaylin argued.

Stephen and Jordan both started laughing. "What's so different? Shanelle has you twisted so tight around her little finger you can't fart without her say so, go ahead and admit it."

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