Chapter 11

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"So Shan, what's up with the PDA on the porch?" Christy asked as she stirred her frozen daiquiri with her straw.

Shanelle frowned at her. "How'd you kno-"

"She was peeking out the window at you, crazy girl," Gabrielle said laughing.


"I swear you can be so ditzy," Gia said.

Shanelle threw one of the cushy throw pillows at Gia, hitting her in the head causing her to spill a bit of her drink on herself. Gia tossed it back chuckling.

"Hey you two cut it out, I want to know this too," Gabrielle said, popping a handful of M&M's in her mouth.

Shanelle lowered her head and blushed as the memory of her and Jaylin's hungry kisses filled her head. Just thinking about Jaylin had her center aching with need.

"Uhh oh! Somebody has something pretty big to spill," Christy said instigating the situation.

Shanelle looked at her girls and couldn't help big smile.

"Girl, stop smiling and start talking!"

Shanelle laughed at Gia's impatience. "Alright already, I'll tell you! Gahh." Gia and Gabrielle made gestures with their hands for her to hurry up, while Christy looked at her with an expectant look. "I can't fully explain it, but it's like Jaylin is what I've been looking for all my life. It seems that if I don't see his face, I'm dying to. He's everything any woman would be lucky to have, everything that Roderick could never be. I don't know if we're going too fast or not but that man is taking me on one hell of a ride and I don't want to get off!"

"From the looks of things, he'd be damned happy to take you to the moon and back. He was ready to get a taste of some Shanelle out there on that porch," Gabrielle stated.

"I know that's right. Just from looking out the window, I saw little Jay more than to ready to come out and play with him some Shanelle Jr," Gia said laughing.

Christy reached over and hi-fived Gia, both giggling their asses off.

"Shanelle, I don't mean to step on your toes or anything but that man is something highly favored to look at. Damn, he's gorgeous."

"And he can damn sure sport those dreads, cant he?" Gia said fanning herself.

"Tell me about it! I just wanna grip a handful full of those bad boys and ravage his sexy chocolate ass," Shanelle said excitedly. "I swear that man is sex walking. I'm just praying to God for some strength that'll keep me from jumping his bones every damn time I see him. It's a true struggle."

At Shanelle's unexpected words, all the girls started laughing.
"And here I thought you were a good girl," Christy said grinning at Shanelle.

"I am good, I just have naughty thoughts from time to time," Shanelle said chuckling.

After a few more minutes of back and forth, they switched the conversation to Gabrielle and her big date with Travis.

"So what happened with you, Missy?" Shanelle asked as she sipped on a bottle of water.

"It was a wonderful first date. Oh my goodness, that man is... he's wonderful," Gabrielle replied dreamily.

"Tell us," Shanelle said as she curled up on the couch with her drink, ready to listen to everything that her sister had to say, hoping for something juicy to come out her mouth.

Everyone was all ears. They wanted to know what had Gabrielle so excited, they wanted to know what it was about Travis that had Gabrielle tossing her free spirited life to the side. Being that she'd never been in a real relationship before, other than the occasional sexual relationship her and her lover at the time shared. They were anxious to hear what she had to say. 

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