Chapter 22

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"Well I'll be damned, I finally got you alone."

Shanelle turned around and saw Roderick standing there looking like a bum off the street. "What do you want Roderick?" At the intense look in his eyes, Shanelle's body began to fill with worry. She had never seen Roderick look the way he was looking in all the years she'd known him.

Roderick had a thick coat of stubble gracing his face. His hair was in need of a serious cut, his eyes were heavy from lack of sleep and his body reeked of alcohol.

The Roderick Shanelle was looking at had replaced the once handsome man she thought she knew and it scared her. This Roderick had the potential to hurt and or maybe try to kill her.

"You'd know if you had talked to me when I asked you to," Roderick sneered as he took a step closer to Shanelle. With each of Roderick's steps, she inched further away from him. Roderick grinned maliciously at Shanelle. 

"Don't tell me you're frightened of me. You scared of me, Shan?" he asked barely above a cold whisper.

Before Shanelle could answer, Roderick grabbed her by her upper arms and pushed her roughly against Jaylin's car and pressed his hard imposing body against her now trembling form.

"Roderick, stop!" Shanelle cried as Roderick began to nuzzle her neck. Roderick's only reply was to laugh softly against her soft perfumed skin.

"Why baby? Isn't this what you wanted me to do to you before you left me when I needed you most? When you left me for that other nigga, huh?" Shanelle went to protest once again but Roderick wrapped his hand around her throat. "Shut the fuck up!" he growled angrily.

Shanelle whimpered as tears began to fill her eyes and slowly fell down her face.

"Do you know about all the shit I've gone through since you decided to up and leave me? Do you know that I lost my fucking job because of you? You were supposed to do what I told you to do! Because you refused to help me, I have the fucking FBI after me! All of this is your damn fault, but you don't see that do you? No, you're too busy playing house with that other nigga, giving him what should belong to me. You even losing weight for his ass, ready to get married to his ass and everything! What about me Shanelle?! What about your love for me?! You the reason everything in my life is so fucked up right now! This shit is your fault," Roderick growled angrily.

Shanelle tried to push Roderick away from her, but it earned her a hard slap across her face. As soon as Shanelle's head snapped to the side by the forceful blow, another landed. Roderick was too furious to stop at just one or two blows. No, he wanted her to feel
all the pain and hurt he was feeling. His world had fallen apart and he wanted hers to fall just as his had.

Over and over Roderick abused Shanelle. When she tried to fight back, he traded open palm smacks to her face for a closed fist.

Shanelle tried as hard as she could to fight Roderick back, but he was too strong.  When she swung and landed a hard blow to Roderick's mouth, he spit the blood that gathered in his mouth right into her face before he started to beat her with all the hatred he held for her in his body.  All Shanelle could do was try to cover her face and head and cry out for help.

When Roderick hit Shanelle one last time, it knocked her clean off her feet and onto the hard concrete where he began to stomp her repeatedly in her side. Her screams of pain fell on deaf ears. Just when she thought he would keep going, everything stopped.

When she went to get up to run, she found herself pinned to the ground by Roderick's heavy body.
Roderick ripped Shanelle's dress down the middle exposing her strapless bra ready to take what he swore belonged to him. No matter how much Shanelle tried to squirm or push Roderick away, she just couldn't. He was far too strong for her. She let out a fearful cry when he began to pull her dress up her thighs only for him to hit her as hard as he could in her face once again. When his hands came in contact with her covered flesh, Shanelle began to beat at Roderick franticly, fighting with all her might. Roderick just laughed evilly. Just as he was about to tear her garments from her quaking body he was pulled off of her by an enraged Jaylin.

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