Chapter 15

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Late the next morning, Shanelle woke up with a sudden urge to relieve herself, but found herself imprisoned by the warmth of Jaylin's strong arms. When she went to move away from him, he wrapped his arms around her tighter as he snuggled closer to her in his sleep. She lay there for a few more moments until she felt Jaylin's arms loosen around her and slowly eased her way out of the comfy bed.

As soon as she stood up, a dull ache pulsed from between her legs. Damn, that man worked my kitty over something fierce! she thought as she tip toed her way into the bathroom wincing from the pain every few steps. After she took care of her morning business she jumped in the shower and washed away the combination of sweat and her and Jaylin's fluids away. After her shower she ran some warm water in the large tub and soaked the majority of the soreness away, fully aware that Jaylin would probably wake up in a playful mood. She couldn't wait.
She leaned her head back against the back of the tub and let the memories of the activities of the night before play through her head. She couldn't believe the things Jaylin did to her body. When he said that he loved everything about her, she had no choice but to believe it. He showed her in every touch, in every single word, every way possible. Jaylin made sure she knew and understood his love. As much as he was in love with her, she knew she was just as much as in love with him.

God, all I can say is thank you for sending Jaylin my way. I am forever grateful for your love and mercy, Shanelle prayed silently as she closed her eyes in relaxation.

After soaking a good while, Shanelle got out the tub and found some towels in one of the cabinets and dried herself off. When she realized that she'd left her overnight bag downstairs, she grabbed Jaylin's robe and pulled it on and quietly made her way down stairs.

When she made it downstairs, she saw the mess that she and Jaylin had made, her cheeks burned with embarrassment. As she looked at the table, she knew without a doubt that she would never look at it without remembering what they'd done, well what Jaylin had done to her on top of it. She let out a sigh before she went in search of a broom and trashcan so that she could clean up the mess that littered the dining room floor.

A little while later, she found herself washing the last of the dinner dishes humming to herself, doing a little dance as she listened to the music that still came streaming into the kitchen not knowing Jaylin stood in the doorway with his arms crossed over his muscular chest wearing nothing but a smile.

Jaylin pushed off the doorframe and slowly made his way over to her. When he wrapped his arms around her waist, Shanelle jumped with a scream flowing out her mouth. She turned around and looked at Jaylin holding her chest.

"You scared the living shit out of me!"

Jaylin chuckled lightly. "Sorry, babe, I didn't mean to scare you."

"Well you did," Shanelle said, reaching up and brushed her lips across his. When she went to pull back he grabbed the back of her neck and thrust his tongue into her mouth as he tightened the other arm around her waist, bringing her closer to him.

Shanelle let out a soft moan as she wrapped her arms around Jaylin's neck, pulling him even closer.
As their tongues dueled, Jaylin slowly slide his hands down to Shanelle's ass and began to massage the twin cheeks before he reached up and began to untie the bath robe she wore.  Once the robe was untied, he reached inside and began to caress her breasts, pinching and rolling her hard nipples gently between his expert fingers causing Shanelle to moan into his mouth.

When Jaylin abandoned Shanelle's lips, he lowered his head to pay close attention to her breasts. As he took a nipple into his mouth, he licked at the stiff bud before nipping at it playfully. Shanelle began running her fingers through his hair as she closed her eyes and basked in the pleasure he was giving her body.
Slowly he began to run his hand down the front of Shanelle's heated body, till he reached her aching center. As soon as his middle finger found its way inside her creaming walls, Shanelle's pussy began to contract with every movement it made, craving Jaylin's hardness deep inside.
By the time Jaylin had switched breasts, Shanelle's entrance was slick with her flowing juices as she impatiently waited for Jaylin to claim her for the countless time.

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