Chapter 2

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"So, Shan, when are you going to call that sexy hunk of chocolate?" Gabrielle asked as she bit into a cheese stick.

"I'm not. I've already told you and him both I wouldn't. That would be plain trashy if I went out with someone other than my own man."

"Well for the record when I look at Roderick I don't see a man, I see a dog so feel free to call Jaylin. I promise it won't hurt," Gabrielle said as she took another bite of her food.

Christy laughed. "He's not a dog, Gabby. He's a bitch."

The girls laughed, all except Shanelle.

"Well if the man wants to take you out, let him. He seems like a nice guy," Gia said. "Looks like he can make your dreams come true," she sang.

Shanelle found herself chuckling lightly. "You need help and singing lessons."

As the girls laughed and talked, Shanelle texted Roderick asking if he would be late coming home, to which he texted back and told her he was working at the office late and for her not to wait up. She sighed and placed her phone back in her purse. It seemed like Roderick was working more and more lately. It wasn't like they needed the money. She could afford to pay all the bills herself, so she didn't see the reason for him to work so much. She shrugged and ordered another drink and listened in on her girls laugh and talk.

An hour later, the girls paid their tab and were about to head out. When they headed for the door Christy happened to look up and saw what appeared to be Roderick. She blinked and looked again. And sure enough it was him holding hands with another woman.

Christy tapped Gia on her shoulder and pointed in Roderick's direction and asked, "Isn't that Roderick right there?"
Gia looked and sure enough she was seeing the same shocking thing that Christy had. If looks could kill, Roderick would be a dead man.

Gia turned around and grabbed Shanelle's hand, "Shanelle, I hate to be the barrier of bad news but your man is sitting at a booth with some woman."

Shanelle searched Gia's face looking for some sort of sign that she were kidding. "Don't play, Gia. I'm not in the mood," she said looking at Gia with half a smile on her face, thinking Gia would burst out laughing any moment but it didn't happen.

"Shanelle baby, I'm not kidding. Look for yourself," Gia said, as she pointed Roderick out to Shanelle.

As sure as the sun rose each morning, there sat Roderick holding hands with a petite woman laughing and carrying on as if he didn't have a woman waiting for him at home.

Shanelle shook her head in disbelief. It absolutely broke her heart to see the man that was supposed to love and care about her with another woman.

"Honey, are you okay?" Christy asked, with concern written on her face.

Shanelle didn't answer, she just continued to watch Roderick caress the other woman's cheek as he smiled and grinned. Why would he do something like that? She made it a point every day to give him everything that he wanted and needed, it was the matter of him accepting what she gave that was the problem.

"Let's go have a little chat with Mr. Roderick and his little friend, shall we?" Gia suggested, as she grabbed Shanelle's hand and stalked over to where Roderick and the woman were sitting. Shanelle was a bit too stunned and hurt to do anything but follow.

Roderick saw the girls coming out of the corner of his eye and a nervous sweat started to breakout on his forehead. He dropped the young ladies hand, leaned back and wiped his now sweaty palms onto his dress pants and watched as Shanelle and the girls came to a stop at his table.

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