Chapter 16

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When Sunday morning rolled around, Shanelle and Jaylin made their way to Shanelle's church where they managed to find a seat near Christy, Gabrielle and Gia along with their guys. Behind them were Jai and John. 

As soon as Shanelle sat next to Christy, she leaned over and whispered into her ear. "Did you know you were walking funny?"

Shanelle's mouth dropped open at Christy's words. Gia and Gabrielle were giving her knowing looks as well. Jai just sat there grinning and shaking her head.

Stephen wrapped his arm around Christy. "You're in church. Don't talk like that in God's house," he grinned.  He looked over at Jaylin and shook his head. Jaylin just shrugged and reached over and grabbed Shanelle's hand.

Stephen knew without a doubt that Jaylin was head over heels in love with Shanelle and that she was just as in love with him. Over the course of their relationship, he'd seen with his own eyes as Shanelle began to open up more and more with Jaylin. Not only did he think that, but so did the others. The two of them were meant to be together and they shouldn't let anything get in the way of their love.

A few minutes later, the pastor of the church instructed everyone to stand for the opening prayer. All thoughts of Jaylin and Shanelle's business forgotten as everyone stood.

After church, the girls pulled Shanelle away from Jaylin and began grilling her about her weekend. When Shanelle refused to tell them, they all gave her ugly looks, telling her that she was no fun.

"Y'all sure are some nosy women," Jai said laughing. "Let the girl spend time with her man without y'all giving her the third degree. For all we know, they could've gone to bible study."

Gia rolled her eyes. "Fat chance of that happening." 

Shanelle laughed. "Gia, I don't know why you're even talking. I know for a fact you and Christy doing the nasty deed on a regular basis, so with that being said, when y'all give up the details on your dirt then and only then will I give up mine," she said hugging Jai.

"You'll tell us sooner or later," Gabrielle said with her arms crossed over her chest. "Oh and I hope you guys are ready for an interrogation."

Shanelle frowned at her words. "Interrogation? By who?"

"Daddy and mama want us at the house for Sunday dinner. You know how Frank Harris can get. Since we apparently didn't move fast enough and introduce our little secrets, meaning the guys, he's making it his business to do it himself." 

Shanelle laughed. She knew once her godfather got a bee in his bonnet he was going to make sure everyone knew about it. "Guess Jaylin better get ready to meet the other important man in my life," she said with a grin on her face, as she walked over to where the men stood waiting followed by the ladies.

When Jon saw the women coming, he cleared his throat "So umm, we were wondering, are y'all cooking today? I'm tired of eating take out."

Gia laughed. "No. My mama and daddy invited us all over to the house for supper. We're expected over there no later than four. We have to help cook while my daddy grills you guys."

"Say what now?" Marcus asked.

"Guess my daddy got tired of being left in the dark. You're about to meet Frank and Debra Harris today Mr. Richardson," Gia replied with a grin.

Jaylin looked down at Shanelle with a frown. She raised her hands in surrender. "Don't look at me like that, I just found out. Besides you have nothing to be worried about. My godfather isn't all that bad."

Jaylin just shook his head and took a deep breath. He knew sooner or later he would have to meet the man, he just hoped he approved of him and Shanelle.

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