Shanelle was too speechless to answer. Just as she thought of the words to say Gia barged into her office accompanied by a very handsome man and beautiful woman.

"Hey you two, break it up. I want y'all to meet some people."

Jaylin looked over at Gia and whoever the couple were that had come into Shanelle's office with her. Shanelle gave them both a small smile before she glared at Gia, who just laughed.

"Shan, you can yell later but in the mean time I want you to meet my cousin Jai and her husband Jonathan, but Jon for short. Jai, this is Shanelle and her boyfriend Jaylin."

Shanelle went to shake Jai and Jon's hand but was stopped by Jaylin. He still had a very big problem that he wanted to save another male and his woman and her sister from seeing. He turned Shanelle around in his arms and wrapped them around her waist. Shanelle let out a surprised gasp before she quickly plastered a smile on her face and shook Jai and Jon's hands. When Jaylin looked at the guy he had a knowing grin on his face. He couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed.

Jaylin leaned around Shanelle a bit without releasing Shanelle and shook Jon's hand before he smiled at Jai, "It's nice to meet you both."

"Same here," Jon said warmly.

Gia was looking at Shanelle and Jaylin with funny looks before she looked up and saw Jon grinning. After putting two and two together she opened her mouth to say something but Shanelle slapped her hand over her mouth.

"It ain't ya business, just too damn nosey for your own good."

"Oh that ain't ever going to change," Jai said giggling.

Gia pushed Shanelle's hand away from her mouth. "Shut up. Anyway, Jai and Jon got in a little earlier than expected and mama brought them up here to meet everyone."

Jai was just as attractive as her older cousins with long hair that stopped just passed her shoulder blades with a curvy petite figure. She had beautiful cinnamon colored skin and eyes that could see passed the best of lies. Jon on the other hand was very handsome where his wife was beautiful. He had an athletic muscular build with a complexion of brown sugar with a sensual pair of kissable lips. Together, he and Jai made a very beautiful couple.

"Where's Mama Debra? I thought her and pop was on their cruise till tomorrow." Shanelle wanted to know.

"She's right here."

Shanelle and the others turned around and saw Debra walk into the room with a bright smile on her face.

"Hey ma, when did you and Papa get back into town? Woman I have to say you sure are a sight for sore eyes, I missed you," Shanelle said as she stepped forward and pulled the smaller woman into a hug.

"I missed you too but if you missed me so much why haven't you been to see me? It's been over two weeks since I saw you, Shanny. What's going on with you girls lately?" Debra asked as she released Shanelle and studied her face before she looked over Shanelle's shoulder. "Could this young man be the reason?" she asked with a smile.

"Umm I uhh I-"

Debra shooed a stuttering Shanelle out of the way and stepped over to Jaylin.

"Hi, I'm Debra Harris, everyone calls me Mama Debra. May I ask who you are?"

"Yes, ma'am. My name is Jaylin Cunningham. I'm Shanelle's boyfriend and it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Shanelle speaks of you often," Jaylin said with a smile.

Debra turned and looked at Shanelle whose cheeks were flushed with embarrassment with a brow arched quizzically before she turned back to Jaylin. "Same here, son, wish she'd stop talking and come to visit. How long have you been dating?"

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