'So I was saying...' Big dad clears his throat and looks at me, and now I have my full attention towards him and Vansh smirks

Why do I feel there's a trouble on my way...?

'Now that you are going through scrutiny of the Thapars, you cannot be with Ananya unless you pass that...' Big Dad declares calmly

'What !' I blurt out, not believing my ears...

'Now that's the fun I was talking about...' Vansh said with an amused smile

'Arjun...' Mom scolds Big dad

'What...! He wanted a chance right, so I am giving him...what's wrong in that...!' Dad shrugged his shoulders

'Yeah, but atleast let them celebrate the fact that they are going to be parents...' Naina mom argued

'They can do that later too...' Vansh intervened

Okay now he is behaving exactly like, his relation to me ! Saala... :/

'Stop it Vansh, don't make things more hard for him...' Ved frowns and Vansh gives him an uninterested look

'Sir, that's unfair... Please give them some time together...' Sameer spoke on my behalf

Bless you brother..!

'Arjun, you said that you will test him from tomorrow, give him some time to spend with Ananya atleast now...' Mom says

'Naina....' Dad began, but by seeing her stern look he backs off...

'Fine...!' He gives up

I so wanted to jump on Ananya and hug her tightly, but with all of them here, I couldn't do it...

'There are some rules...' Big Dad said and everyone's attention was on him

Rules for romancing my own wife...! Damn ! Fuck my life...!

'The tasks given to Aayan, will be done my him and only him, no one will help him... Especially you two...' he points at Mom and Ved

Sameer winks at me and I smile, atleast he will help me...

'You too Sameer...' Vansh says and I sigh, while he frowned

'He won't sleep in Ananya's room...' Dad says


'Arjun...!' Mom exclaims

'Don't interfere... It's between me and my son in law...' Dad says and I gesture her that I am alright..

'Where will he sleep then...?' Ved asks

'Guest room maybe...' Ananya suggests

'I am staying there...' Dad says

There is no way I am sharing room with my Father in law, who hates me...

'And I have kicking habit, so I can't share room with you either...' Vansh shrugged his shoulder and Ved glares at him

'Mom will stay with Annie then, to take care of her...' Ved says and Mom nods

'It's okay, I'll sleep on the sofa...' I say

Yeah it doesn't matter, as long as I am near Ananya...

'Okay, I'll sleep here too...' Ved says

'You will share a room with me...' Dad declares

'But Papa...' Ved argues

'It's okay Ved, I'll be fine here....' I smile and he sighs

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