Always and Forever

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Kakashi's POV

I run my fingers through my hair as I read on the couch, waiting for Sakura to get home. I need to find a way to propose tonight. Maybe I can just ask her to take a walk with me. Or set up another date on the hill. I'm not sure. The ring I've kept in my pocket since I got it is just burning to be put on her finger. I know she gets off in an hour. But it feels like months since I get to see her again. 

"Kakashi" Sakura yells as she runs through the door and throws her jacket off and tackles me backwards on the couch. She's laying on top of me on the couch and kisses my nose as she gets up to sit next to me. "Ino is hosting her annual dinner party before Spring Festival. Can you come with me?" 

"Of course!" she smiles and kisses me again. 

"It's formal though. Black tie event. I know how much you hate dressing up." I groan and dramatically throw my head back with my arm over my forehead.

"Now I just can't go Sakura. I can't handle the dressing up. I'd just rather die." She laughs and starts hitting me with a pillow.

"Ok ok I get it. It starts soon. Go get dressed. She invited about the whole village so we have to look good." She jumps off the couch and runs to the bathroom to get ready. I go to the bedroom and take out my formal clothes and lay them on the bed. I close the door and take the ring box and lay it on the bed as I get undressed. I take off my shirt and mask when Sakura walks in. I grab my shirt off the ground and throw it on the bed covering the ring box just in time. 

"Kakashi." She had just started doing her hair. It lays in perfect pink waves of soft hair. 

"What is it?" I tilt my head. Worried about what she's going to say. 

"I love you. You know that right." She smiles and hugs me.

"I love you too. What's wrong?" I'm still a bit worried. Randomly telling me she loves me? That's something people do before they say something bad right?

"Nothing. I just want you to know mow much I love you. She smiles and kisses my cheek as she walks back into the bathroom. I let out a sigh of relief as I go back to putting on my suit. I grab the ring box and shoved it in my pocket and went to the bathroom as Sakura walks to the bedroom to get her clothes on. I check to make sure my mask is straight and my headband is clean and walk to the living room to wait for Sakura.

After about 20 minutes she comes out and my jaw almost drops to the floor. She looks gorgeous. Small gold bracelet that matched her clutch bag and shoes. Her maroon V neck dress had a sexy leg slit that stopped a little higher than mid thigh. Her makeup was perfect. I walked over to her and almost proposed right then and there. But I grabbed her waist and pulled her close to me and kissed her hard and passionately. She put her hand and pulled me in closer with her hand on the back of my head. 

"Lets go to this dinner party so we can get back and get into something a little more comfortable." She winked at me as she walked towards the door. I smiled and walked after her. 

We got to Ino's house and Sakura was right. She did invite basically the whole village. Everyone was there and everyone was all dressed up and looked amazing. Even Shino was there in a suit. Sai and Ino were at the front of the house inviting guests to the kitchen. Sakura ran up and gave Sai and Ino a hug. 

"The place looks amazing Ino! How did you have the time to do all of it?" Ino laughed and pointed to Sai

"Actually he did it all. I was impressed too. He said he would decorate so I could finish things up at work and I expected to have to redo all of it when I got off. But it looks amazing!" They continued to talk as I walk around and look at all the decorations and try the food the caterers are passing around when I bump into Naruto.

"He buddy. How are you doing?" I put my hand on his shoulder. He looks better but his eyes still look sad and glossy. 

"I'm ok, Kakashi-sensei." He smiles but It was fake. "Have you proposed to Sakura yet?" 

"I'm going to get her to leave the party early and I'm going to take her to the hill and propose to her there." He smile a real smile this time and nods his head.

"That's a good idea! Have you practiced what you're going to say to her?"

"Only about a hundred times." He laughs again. 

"I practiced every night what I was going to say to Hinata." I gave a small sympathetic smile and pat his back. He walked away looking a lot happier than when I came over. His eyes weren't so glossy. I decided I better go find Sakura so I walk to Ino and Sai who are still by the kitchen. 

"Hey, where did Sakura go?" Sai shrugged his shoulders and Ino smiled and pointed to the back yard. "Thank-" Before I could finish my sentence Ino grabs me by the shoulder and pulls me to her and whispers in my ear. 

"You better propose to Sakura soon. She won't stop talking about how much she wants to marry you." I feel my face get red and I slip my hand into my pocket.

"I wanted to do it tonight after the party." Her smile gets bigger and she looks towards the back door.

"There is no one outside. Go do it now."

"Ok." Both our smiles our huge and even Sai is smiling. I walk outside and Sakura is sitting on a bench looking at the fish in a small pond. her finger swirling around in the water. She look up and smiles at me and pats the seat beside her. I go sit and watch the fish with her. Trying to get the courage to ask her.

"There is a fish in here different from the rest." She points at a fish that's smaller than all the rest. I get up and grab the fish food on the other side and give her the bottle so she can feed it. She smiles and takes the bottle and leans over. She's not paying attention so I take the ring box and get down on one knee. 

"Sakura." She looks at me and instantly she starts to tear up. "I know we haven't been dating for long. But every day I fall deeper and deeper in love with you. I can't imagine my life without you and I love you with all my heart and I promise to love you always and Forever.Will you marry me?    

"Yes. I will." She laughs and puts her arms around me and I stand up and kiss her with all the love and passion I have as I put the ring on her finger. "I love you so much." She said wiping away another tear.

"I love you too." I take her hand in mine as I wipe another tear from her eyes. "Do you want to go back inside?" She nods and stands up. I lean down to kiss her one more time. We walk inside and Ino stops her at the doors.

"What happened?" She asked pretending not to know that I did what she told me to do. I smile and look at the ground. That's just like Ino.

"He proposed!" She smiles and puts her hand out to show the ring. She gasped and took her hand. She's a great actress. I'll give her that. Ino grabs a glass of champagne and pulls us into the living room. She clinks her glass with a spoon.

"This dinner party has just turned into an engagement party! Congratulations to Kakashi and Sakura Hatake!" Everyone claps and I lean down to Sakura.

"Sakura Hatake. I like the sound of that." She looks up at me and smiles."

"So do I."

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