The Arrival

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Sakura's POV

We arrived in the village a couple days ago. We checked into and inn as a couple just traveling the world. Every detail of this mission is crucial. We have back stories and where we have already traveled. We have spent the days searching everywhere for this Shioko but have no idea where to find him. Because of being this deep under cover we can't ask anyone where he would be. 

"How are we going to find him?" I ask Kakashi while I unlock our room after a long day of getting nowhere in our search. 

"I have no idea. This maybe the most irritating mission I've ever been on." Kakashi lays on the bed right beside me. I know its wrong but I love being close to him. I shouldn't think like this about my teacher. I've been on edge about what to say to him in fear I might say something that sounds like I'm attracted to him. I don't want to make him uncomfortable or awkward. Feelings can't get in the way of this mission. 

Just as we start to relax for the night  we hear a scream come from the lobby. We both run downstairs and look over the railing of the stairs. A big man with long black hair. He has wrappings over his arms but a sleeveless blue shirt. Blood spattered over his face and clothes. I move to go after him but Kakashi grabbed my arm. 

"We'll blow our cover" he whispered

"Then what are we supposed to do. He's robbing her." We hear another scream as the man pulls out a sword and puts it to the innkeeper's neck. 

"Shioko, please don't kill me. I'll do it." She says crying while handing him the money.

"That's him!" I said under my breath taking in all his features. "At least we know what he looks like."

"we'll follow him. We have to be cautious. If he find out he'll kill us." With that, Kakashi made it to the roof and I follow behind him. We watch him go into a bar not far from the inn. We watch the bar for him to leave, but he never does. We need our sleep, it's 4 am and we're exhausted. we go to our rooms and immediately fall asleep. On the same bed, and I never want to sleep without him again.

Kakashi's POV.

We fell asleep in the same bed last night. We were so tired that it wasn't even weird. Usually I'd sleep on the couch but without thinking I laid on the bed next to her and just fell asleep. It didn't feel awkward in the morning. At least not to me. I watched Sakura in her sleep shorts and tank top get up and walk to the bathroom to get dressed. I wish I could follow her in there. No. It's wrong to think that. She'll never know though. I can feel myself getting hard as I think about what she looks like under that tank top. She walks out of the bathroom in a red shirt that stopped right above her bellybutton and little white shorts and her open toe boots. She looks so beautiful . I wish I could push her onto this bed and-

"We need to get moving." Sakura said breaking my train of thought AGAIN.

"We do." I said plainly as I walked to the door. I moved to the top of the roof and looked around. We saw Shioko stumble out of the bar and walk down the street.

"I'm going to distract him. When he's not accepting it jump him and we'll finally get to go home." She looked at me excitedly. I was kind of disappointed we finished this so quickly. I wanted to spend more time with her. The feelings I had for her have only gotten deeper since the mission started. Spending all this time with her, having fun as we walked down the streets of the village. 

"Ok. What's this plan of yours Sakura?" I looked at her as I talked making eye contact and saying her name as an attempt to hint at my feelings for her. I saw her blush and look down.

"We need to get him alone so there won't be a bigger fight, right? well, I'm going to seduce him. Get him alone. You watch the whole time and when I give you the signal come and we'll get him together." She said it wish such confidence, I was impressed, though I wasn't sure of the plan. Having to watch as she tries to seduce another man? It's going to be hard. I can do this. get your shit together Kakashi. 

"Alright. Let's go." With that she was off, jumping across rooftop after rooftop. I follow her as she stops a couple streets up from where Shioko was headed. I watched her as he slowly made his was to her. Sakura leaned against a building making her hair messy and her shirt seem higher. I kept my eyes on her as he approached her. She starts to twirl her hair and walk up to her, pretending to trip and bump into him. 

Sakura's POV

I started to flirt with the man who has killed so many of my people. I felt like I was betraying them in the worst way. I couldn't help but think how much easier this would be if I was doing this to Kakashi

I start to twirl my hair and walk over to him swaying my hips, successfully getting his attention. I 'trip' and bump into him. Grabbing his shoulders I pull myself up and he grabs my waist.

"Oh my god I'm SO sorry." I said looking him up and down, putting my hand on my hip and still twirling my hair with the other. "Is there any way, I would make it up to you?" I say getting closer to his face making him think I was going to kiss him. I keep leaning forward until he responds.

"I think I have an idea." He said winking at me. He grabbed my waist and we started walking where I could only assume was his house. His hand slowly moved his hand down and kept it there while we walked a couple blocks. We finally walked up to a house and he opened the door and bowed a bit holding his hand out for me to take. I took it and walked in front of him still swaying my hips. Before getting all the way inside I held up two fingers behind my back giving Kakashi the signal to come get him but I had to keep playing along until he got there. I walked in and saw a brown tile floor, no lights on, heavy dark curtains over every window. A couch pushed into the corner where he told me to sit. I did as I was told,trying to make my smile look as genuine as possible.

" So. When is your friend coming?"

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