The Dead of Night

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"Kakashi" She whispered as I held her. I have to get her out of here. She's going to die if I don't. Gaara is only an hour away from here. If I can get her there on time She'll make it.

"Kakashi" I can hear her voice fading. She can barely speak. "I love you.." 

"Shh, don't do that. Don't speak to me like you wont make it." My voice is shaking and I'm holding back tears. I pick her up as gently as possible. She gives out a painful moan and I start running. I know she'll make it. She has to. I run as fast as I can. I've been doing that a lot lately and I can feel my legs giving out but we make it to the Village Hidden in the Sand. I send the guard at the gate to run for Gaara.

"Lord Gaara, please help us. She needs a medical ninja now!" 

"Hashi. Take her to the hospital. Get Matsuri to work on her." Gaara is calm under pressure and I let Hashi take her. "Matsuri is our top medical ninja. She'll be ok Kakashi." He patted me on the back and I could tell he was awkward at comforting people. I walk to the hospital waiting room. I can't run anymore. It's about midnight and the village is empty. 

I sit in the hospital waiting room trying not to fall asleep. I want to be the first one she sees when she wakes up. I pace the floor. I get a drink of water. I walk up the stairs, and then back down.

after an hour of waiting, Matsuri came up to me and tears well in my eyes. The lump in my throat prevent me from breathing correctly. She doesn't say a word, just puts her hand on my shoulder. I fall to my knees and put my face in my hands. She can't be gone. I can't lose her. I didn't get to say 'I love you too.'

"Kakashi, she's not gone." I instantly look up at her. She gives a small smile. "I need you to know, we are doing everything we can. we have stopped the bleeding, but she won't wake up. We can't figure out why. She is on life support at the moment but we will get to the bottom of this. Any details about what happened to her could help us. Can you tell me what happened?" She has a voice full of sympathy and understanding. I stand up and go sit back in the chair. 

I told her everything I knew. Every detail of what little I knew about what she had been through. 

"Do you know who took her?" I stopped, thinking about the question. The thought of him made me sick to my stomach and I thought I would throw up.

"Shioko Arai." was all I could say. I wanted to tell her about the poison. But if I kept talking I was going to be sick. 

"Kakashi... you should rest. She won't be awake for a while. I'll get you as soon as she does." She puts her hand on my shoulder and walks away behind the corner. I heard her voice talking with another doctor. 

"It will be a miracle if she makes it through the night."

Sakura's POV

I can feel every stitch. I can feel every needle going into my skin. I feel them put an oxygen tube into my nose. The morphine kicks in and I try to fall asleep. But my brain is on overload. I don't wan to wake up. I told Kakashi I loved him. He never said it back. I am embarrassed. I scared him away. He said he liked me, I said I love him. I just want to go away. I don't want to be here anymore. I cant feel anything right now and I finally start to drift off. 

"Kakashi. Please don't leave me. I want you to stay. But I understand if you want to go. If that will make you happy. I'll leave."

I woke up. I know I had a dream. But I cant remember it. I look around and I'm in a hospital. A doctor with brown hair and a lab coat come in.

"How are you feeling Sakura." She said taking my temperature and checking my heart beat and my the wounds over my arms and legs. "I'm going to put you on your side so I can look at your back. Is that ok?" her voice is soft and caring. 

Before I could say anything I threw up over the side of my bed. The doctor runs and grabs a bowl and crouches down so we're face to face. 

"Are you going to throw up again?" 

"No. I'm ok." I said as she holds me and checks my back to see how the stitches were. She grabs a clipboard and writes something down. I watch her and I can't seem to remember her name. I lay back down and stare at the ceiling until I start thinking. 

I don't know my name. I can't remember who I am. How did I get here? What's going on?

I call for the doctor again. I feel a lump in my throat but I refuse to cry as the doctor came in. I tell her what's going on. The fact that I say the worry in her eyes didn't help. She looks at me and says she will be right back.

Kakashi's POV

Matsuri comes back out of the room. I stand up to meet her. 

"Sakura has woken up, she's doing fine." She pauses and I know she's about to tell me something bad. "She has lost some of her memories." 

I sit back down worried I might faint. She has to remember me though right? I have so many mixed feelings. None of which are good. I feel scared and angry and sad. I don't know what's going to happen now or how long this is going to last. Maybe Matsuri knows. I'm afraid to ask. But I have to.

"How long, will her memory loss last? What happened? " I have a million thoughts a second. My heart is pounding "When can I see her?" Matsuri stops me.

"We have no idea how long it will last. When someone has gone through something as traumatic as being kidnapped and tortured, some people can't handle it so they try to repress it by forgetting. Her brain can't block out only specific memories, so she forgot all of it. You can see her now if you would like. She is out of intensive care, but you have to stay calm, she is still a little messed up and we don't know haw she'll react to seeing you. She might not remember you and you can't blame her for this." I stay silent as I walk into the room. I stay calm but inside I'm scared. She opens her eyes and looks at me. I look into her eyes but she is like a different person. 

"Are you my nurse?" She asks calmly. I sit in one of the hospital chairs so I'm at eye level with her.

"No I'm not your doctor. I'm your friend. You're safe with me. But you can't leave for a couple weeks. It's dangerous to transport you home." I say trying to explain to her what's going on. 

"Why am I in the hospital?" I can see the pain and confusion in her eyes. She really doesn't remember me.

"You got hurt. You're a ninja and we were on a mission together." I was going to touch her face but I decided it was best not to. "You were kidnapped." I could see fear in her eyes so I decided that was enough questions. "That's enough talking for today I think. Get some sleep and get better. I'll come and see you tomorrow ok?" I get up to leave the room, but before I would walk out the door I hear a faint voice.


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