Toby: Chapter 13

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I woke up in a strange place, it takes me a while to realize that I'm in the hospital. I don't remember falling asleep, I guess it must have happened on the ride over here. 

There's a big window to the left of me, that I can see into the hallway with. My mom was standing in the hallway talking to a nurse, until she looked through the window and saw that I was awake. She rushed into the room and gave me a hug. 

She put her hand on my face and I looked into her teary eyes. 

"I'm okay now, mom." I said, sounding tired and weak. 

"I love you." She replied, before placing a kiss on my forehead. 

"I love you too." 

"The nurse said that you can leave tomorrow afternoon." 

"What time is it?" 

She looked at her brown wrist watch, "11:32 pm" 

"Okay." I replied, sounding exhausted.

"You should get some sleep." She said, also sounding a bit tired. 

"You should get some sleep too, mom" I said, trying to keep my eyes open. 

She smiled as I drifted off to sleep. 

"I'm not done with you yet!" 

My eyes opened in alarm and I frantically looked around the room for the person that said that but the only person in the room is mom, and she's fast asleep in one of the chairs across the room.  My heart slows down a bit and I feel myself start to relax. It was just a dream.... I think.

I close my eyes again and I hear the voice again. 

"You may have thought this was over, but it's only the beginning. You're gonna wish you had died!" 

 My eyes burst open, and I feel my heart trying to burst out of my chest. What is happening to me?

"I'll tell you what happened," Replied the voice, " You made a deal with the devil and I'm not leaving you until I'm satisfied!"  

"You can hear my thoughts?" I asked, with wide eyes

"The transformation wasn't completed and until you can complete it, I'm stuck in your head until you die." 

"What do you mean by transformation?" 

"It doesn't matter now." 

"It does matter! What was suppose to happen to me?" 

"I want your body and I'm not going to stop until I take it over!" 

"I won't let you."

"Then, you'll have to deal with me being inside your head, driving you crazy, until I win and you give up your body." 

"Then I'll do the same thing! I'll drive you out with my annoying thoughts!"

"Where did all this fight come from? Not too long ago you were ready to die, and now you want to live? Why?" 

"This situation is different, I've got a reason to live now." 

"Perhaps, there is a way for me to leave and for you to stay, would you make another deal with me?"

"What are the terms of the deal?" 

"We fight for control, winner keeps the body, looser is kicked out forever. Sound like a deal?" 


Suddenly, I feel my whole body begin to shake violently, my mind feels it's I'm on a carousel that's going 10 times faster than it should, and I feel myself fall into darkness. 

When I wake up I'm not in the hospital, I'm in a dimly lit red room, with spikes all along the outside of the wall, connecting to the wall. 

A white man in a red leather suit appears in front of me ,his eyes and hair are orange flames, his wings are big and black. 

"Ready for the fun to begin?" He asks me

"Ready." I reply, trying to sound brave, even though I am frightened. 



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