Chapter 7: Toby

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The cold hard floor kept me up most of the night but at some point total exhaustion had taken over and I fell alseep.
When I started to regain consciousness, I realized that there was a bunch of whispering saying the same words over and over again. Join us and Satin is your friend
I also heard a familiar voice mumbling those words. The mumbling stopped when I recalled whose voice was mumbling. It was mine.

My eyes flashed open like lightning. As I quickly sat up, I noticed that all the whispering had stopped.

They got inside my head... They made me repeat what they were saying...

"Now that you're up, we've got some work to do." Said a female's voice over the speaker.

Suddenly, there was a small click that came from somewhere in the room. Then a light slowly started filling the room from the left side of me. 

"Go through the door and keep going straight, at the end of the hallway take a right then go in the third door you see. If you forget where to go, all the doors you need to go through are already open, and the doors you don't nead to use are locked." Said the same female voice as before.

I pull myself off the ground but I don't leave.

"And what if I don't?" I asked, "What if I just stay here?" 

"Do you want to see what happends when you don't listen?" She asked, coldly.

"What are you gonna do whisper some more while I'm sleeping? Oh! how about flash me with some lights!?" I said, wondering why I'm so afraid of these people, like yeah they kidnapped me and made me talk in my sleep but if that's the worst that they can do then I don't need to be afraid. 

"Confident are you? Well I guess it's time to crush that confidence." She said, scornfully. 

The door slammed shut and the little light that I had, was gone. 

"This is what happens when you disrespect us!" She said, angrily.

Suddenly, something hard hits me in the head, and before I could even think of what it might be, a rainfall of whatever hit me before rains down on me. Pain strikes me in my head and shoulders, forcing me to cringe in pain.

"Is this the best you can do?" I asked, not really knowing why I asked and wishing that I didn't. 

Suddenly, I was choking, I tried to suck in air but it just made it worse. On top of that my eyes started to feel like they were set on fire, and my tears started running down my face trying to put out that fire but failing.

Before I knew it, there was vomit shooting out of my mouth. My throat burned from the vomit but I couldn't stop throwing up.

I fell to the ground, still vomiting, and in pain from whatever is still pelting me.

Are you happy now!? Look what happened when you used your mouth! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! 

It felt like an eternity before the object stopped pelting me and I stopped vomiting, I wasn't even sure that it had stopped at first, it was like the ghost of them was still attacking me but after a while it stopped and I smiled. I was so happy that it was over that I forgot for a moment why that even happened. But when I remembered I stopped smiling and I lifted myself off the ground.

"Okay. I'm sorry." I said

The door slowly opened again, and light began to pour into the shape of a door on the floor.

"You know where to go." The female said, coldly.


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