Toby: Chapter 12

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I hold the phone close to my ear as I listen to what the man tells me. 

"For your freedom, I want you to step in the middle of the room."

"This room?" I ask, confused because in the middle of this room is a table.

"No, not this room. You will be escorted to the room I want you in." 

"And I'll I have to do is stand there?" 

"The only way you will get out of this, is if you die. Are you willing to die for your freedom?" 

"Yes." I say, without even thinking about it. 

"Then it's a deal." 

The phone goes dead shortly after his response, so I slowly lower the phone back onto the table, feeling a little unsteady. What did I just do?   

"Ready to go?" Says, a man's voice from behind me. 

I close my eyes for a moment, This is my only option. I convince myself that those words are true and I open my eyes. 

"Ready." I reply 

The restraints around my arms and legs are untied and I slowly get out of the chair, I feel my muscles restraining in pain but I push through it. My pain is going to end soon, hopefully. 

I follow the man that untied me out the door and down the hallway. We enter the room that I was in when this all started,  the room where I was tortured for my protest, the room that I heard whispers in my ear when I slept, the room where I was most afraid. I didn't think that this room was what scared me the most. I was electrocuted in another room and yet this room still scared me more than that room. Maybe that's why he chose this room. 

I step into the middle of the room and suddenly candles light around me and I see that I am standing in a pentagram. I understand now why they chose me. The chose me because I was weak and I could be easily convinced to give my life for their cause . They were wrong, until they killed that officer. I wish I still had hope in getting out of here alive, I would have proven to them and myself that I was strong, but here I am ready to give my life to escape this place. 

Tears started flowing down my face and I fell to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. 

"It's too late for second guessing." Said a voice, that I recognized but I didn't see who said it. I didn't even bother looking up from the ground to see who owned the voice, I just cried harder.   

Suddenly, the room filled with mumbling. The mumbling started off quiet and then grew louder and louder. Even, though the mumbling got louder, I still couldn't understand what the were saying but they seemed to be saying the same phrase over and over again.

As the mumbling got louder, I began to feel a weird tingling sensation run up by body from my foot and it rolled across my spine. My body began to feel light, almost like a feather, and before I knew It my feet were no longer touching the ground. 

I started shaking uncontrollably and my arms started jerking and twisting in ways I didn't even know was possible. I screamed and hollered in a way that would give anyone shivers as my body jerked in different directions. If this was a horror movie I wouldn't have been able to keep watching, but this was real life and I was scaring myself. 

I felt myself slipping away, I was about to die, when I saw them. The police had busted through the door with their guns pointed at the mumblers. The mumblers wouldn't stop mumbling though, the officers yelled at them to stop, but they kept on mumbling. 

"It's too late." I say, weakly and barely coherent. 

It seems no one has heard me as the officers continue to yell at the mumblers to stop, It doesn't matter anyways..... 

I almost left my body, when the officer's started to fire at the mumblers. As each mumbler died, I came a little bit closer to the ground and my body twitched a little less. When all the mumbling stopped, I was on the ground and my body rested completely still, as if I really did just die. 

I felt someone touch me, they rolled me onto my back and I blinked weakly at them. It was a female officer. She took my arm and felt my pulse. 

"The boy's pulse is really low, we gotta get him to a hospital, quick!" She shouted to her fellow officers.  

A male cop came over to me and helped the female officer pick me up. The female officer was on my right side and the male officer was on my left, and together they helped me out of the room and up some wooden stairs, which was very difficult, and out the front door, that was just a frame now because the door had been kicked in. 

It was night time. 

The ambulance was in the driveway, waiting to load me into it. The lights made my eyes hurt, It was the brightest light I've seen since I've been here. 

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