Time Conundrum Fucked Me Up II

Start from the beginning

Maybe Dan had even find hilarity in this situation by how Phil only looked so out of place after everything they had done because of the sleeping arrangement that is so unfamiliar to them, him having to sleep on his back while two Dans shared his body heat and aimed for the snuggles they always do (and had only recently experienced).

It was by any standard a weird and honestly an eventful night, if Dan might conclude.

So forgive Dan when he says "fuck it" loudly when the sun shines through his blinds the next day, and onto his face, having to resort to burying his face on the creak of Phil's neck to avoid any more distractions from his dream. Phil snickers was too immature and too much amusement for Dan's brain liking, even when his mind had been befuddled and turned to gush after last night activities, because he knows Phil, and when he could hear the almost-same but-different laughter echoing, he had to open his eyes.

Blearily, he saw it, the dream he was having, everyone having Phil's face all over the world, before his sanity plugged in and his vision cleared.

Two pair of blue wide eyes greeted him, and for a moment he only blinked for his mind to process, his hand reaching out just for additional stimulation.

"You aren't freaking out? I was hoping for you to freak out, you know?" one of the owner of those mouths spoke.

"Phil, there are two of you."

"Uh, yeah. Surprise, I think."

Dan looks at the alarm clock sitting next to the books on his nightstand. 6 am. He closes his eyes and rests his head on the pillow. Turning away from what he saw, even though it means him having to endure the onslaught of the burning sunlight. Maybe he can get the scorching light to burn what he saw just now, because no way there's two Phil on his bed right now. Even if there is, it's too fucking early for him to handle it. He was out like a light few seconds later.


"Daaaaaaaan, wake up" a few giggles as intermission before another, "Daaaaaannnn, please, wake up,"

Phil is being annoying. And Dan is still sore from last night encounter, Phil's trailing fingers on his stomach and his back is swatted away like it's some flies disturbing him. It only registers in his head, that no matter how flexible Phil could be, he can't achieved that move unless he's on top of Dan. And Dan's lying sideways so he would definitely feel the press of anything on is body. His mind had quickly supplies, "There are two Phil, remember?" and oh.

He blinks open his eyes. Phil's fringes is obscuring almost his entire face, and that enough should've woken Dan up, jolting him to gauge the reality. A few kisses on his back, made him tensed, while Phil just smile, that wide grin that shows his teeth, too carefree, too open, and that's when Dan realised, "This isn't my Phil"

"Good morning" a tangle of hair on his neck and ear before a peck is delivered on his cheek from the person behind him, and "That's Phil" enters his brain.

Dan slowly, like he's afraid that he's going to disturb this – this weird whatever, lie on his back and assesses the situation. There are two grinning and smirking men on top of him, both with similar face structure and matching glint on their eyes, and the only thing that really separating them is the haircuts.

Dan feels lightheaded.

"Dan, you alright? You seems a bit pale" Dan is closing his eyes, but he knows that tone, and he knows the facial expressions that comes with it. Both faces' facial expression, to be honest.

"You would have to forgive me for not suddenly ecstatically grabs both of your head together for a passionate embrace of tongues, alright."

"Ooh, I wouldn't mind that," the young version of Phil (whom Dan suspected is from the year 2009, judging by the haircut and the volume of hair) gently purrs.He fucking purrs.

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