Chapter 11

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As Jessi open her door, it was none other than Agent Hannah Carter.
"Hi." Jessi said.
"Can I come in?" Hannah ask.
"Of course." Jessi said opening the door wider and allowing Hannah to walk in. She then close the door.
"How'd you know where I live?" Jessi asked.
"Are you forgetting that I am the head of an secret service?" Hannah said laughing.
"Oh yeah. So what brings you here?" Jessi asked.
"Hope wanted me to give this to you." Hannah said handing her an white envelope.
"What's this?" Jessi ask.
"An invitation. She wants you there today. And so do I." Hannah said.
"Why? I caused so much trouble." Jessi said.
"Let me explain why." Hannah said.

Couple Hours Ago....

After Jessi left Hannah, the next day without an choice went down by Hope. Hope was preparing for her wedding.
"Hope? Its me, Hannah." Agent Carter said walking in Hope's bedroom.
"Nice to finally meet you." Hope said.
"I'm sorry. I apologise for Jessi.." Hope cut of Hannah.
"For what? Firing her? Or the trouble?" Hope ask.
"The trouble." Hannah said a bit confuse.
"I didn't care for the trouble. I understand that she was just being protective. Unlike you who wasn't even in my life for over what 20 years?!" Hope said.
"So you're upset with me for firing Jessi?" Hannah ask.
"At least I felt the sisterhood and friendship and love with her. I wish she was my real sister!" Hope said.
"You've gotten so close that you've forgotten about me?" Hannah ask.
"I never said that. She made me remember you, when you wasn't around, I believe that you were because of her. I wasn't feeling alone anymore." Hope said.
"If you want I could get her back here." Hannah said.
"Really? Please do it. Because I wouldn't get married today if she doesn't come." Hope said sadly tears falling off her eyes.
"I promise I'd bring her back." Hannah said.
"Thank you. Tell her what I said." Hope said sitting back down on her bed.


"Hope said she wouldn't get married if you're not there today." Hannah said.
"I will come for her sake." Jessi said after Hannah told her the story.
"Also, there is someone who misses you a bit." Hannah and wink at Jessi.
"Who?" Jessi ask.
"You'll see." Hannah said.
"Wait! How would I get there in time? I didn't even got chance to buy a pretty dress and shoes." Jessi ask.
"Again. Are you forgetting I'm the boss of one of the highest agency's?" Hannah said follow by an laugh.
"Oh yeah. Let me get some of my belongings." Jessi said.

Couple Hours Later....

Jessi was wearing an beautiful long white with gold strapless fitted gown with a slit in the sides at the end. She had on an golden brown heels to match with it and makeup everything was beautiful. Her hair was crimple  style.
"Sis, I can't do this." Hope said sniffing holding her bouquet. Her white wedding dress was beautiful as well as her veil.
"Yes you can. Just relax." Steffi said comforting.
"No I can't. Not without Jessi." Hope said.
"Its going to be okay." Aria said. Taylor was also there. Brad and Leopold was in there as well.
Then a knock came on her door.
"I'll get it." Taylor said.
"Who is it?" Hope ask.
"It's for you." Taylor said then Jessi walk in.
"Is the bride ready yet?" Jessi ask. Hope face lit up and then ran and hug Jessi.
"Thank you so much for coming!" Hope said. Hannah was happy to see her little sister smile.
"No, thank you for showing me what a sisterhood and what having a sister meant like and the love and friendship." Jessi said as they stop hugging.
"Awe. Anyways...I think I'm ready to go. Half hour before it begins." Hope said. Then they all left. Leopold was still there inside. As Jessi was about to walk out Leopold grab her hand.
"We need to talk." Leopold said.
"Why? So you could try to get me to leave for good?" Jessi ask.
"'s just I've always been a mean person ever since. Remember when Aria was talking to me about letting go. Well the reason and the story is, I was always an happy guy. Always smiling, until one day." Leopold started.

One Year Ago....

Leopold and a woman, tall, tan complexion, wavy brown hair, hazel eyes, thin and cute was there shooting and ducking from bullets.
"Leo! To your right!" She yell. They were in another aircraft fighting to escape.
"The team has gone. We should to!" Leopold said shooting. They both came to the same spot.
"I can't lose you. Please go!" Leopold said as he kiss her forehead.
"Me too. Come on, let's go together." She said. As they were both running, they were at the edge of the plane ready to jump across.
"Agent Carter! Open the cargo area! We're jumping!" Leopold said through the comms.
The cargo area was open and Aria and Brad was there waiting for them.
"Come on!!" They shout. Leopold jump first and Aria and Brad help him up.
"Lisa! Come on!" Leopold yell. Lisa jump and Leopold caught her hand.
"Arh!" Lisa yell in pain as a bullet hit her back.
"No!!!" Leopold scream. Then two more bullets hit her.
"Let me go! Leo, I love you! But please let me go!!" Lisa yell.
"No!" Leo said.
"Agent Dalton! We have to let her go!" Brad said as they pull him. Then Lisa's hand slip out and she smile while she fell down in the middle of the ocean.
"NO!! NO!!" Leopold yell.

Present Time ...

"Ever since, I've forgotten how to love, smile and laugh again. Only anger is control of me." Leopold said sadly. Jessi put her hand on his shoulders.
"I'm sorry. I've even given you so much trouble. I'm sorry." Jessi said. Leopold then look at her.
"I'm really sorry for blowing you out. Even Taylor whom started working with us one month before you came..." Leopold said. Then Jessi smile at him.
"It's okay. I understand the pain." Jessi said. Then without a thought Leopold leaned in and kiss Jessi whom kiss back.

Time For The Wedding...

Hope and Hannah's father and mother came like the exact morning of the wedding, her father is walking Hope down the aisle. The music started playing as they walk. Everyone was there.
"The bride is so beautiful." Brad said and Aria elbowed him.
"What?" He ask.
"Nevermind." Aria said in a jealous sort of way. Jessi was sitting on the front bench. Taylor was next to her. Jessi realize that Taylor was behaving in a weird way. Then as Hope walks and meets Rez and the priest the ceremony begins.
"We are gathered here today for the..." As the priest continues, Taylor's face began to look angry and worried in a way. Jessi then started remembering.

Taylor was always disappearing from the comms.

Tyson: 'I've an friend who works with you. She's unbelievable.'

Dalton: 'Taylor started working one month before you came.'

Brad: 'Where did you go Tay?"

Taylor: 'Another part time job for Agent Carter. She said to keep it classified.'

Then Taylor got up and walk to the corner holding an gun. Jessi then realise that she was aiming at Hope.
"Shit! She's the one whose been trying to stop Hope's wedding!" Jessi said getting up and running towards Taylor whom shot the gun and Jessi taking the bullet.
"Arh!" Jessi scream and everyone gasp in shock.
"No!" Agent Dalton yell as he and the rest of the team was quick enough to take Taylor down, handcuffing her. Jessi was bleeding on the floor.
"Jessi!" Hope yell as she and Rez ran towards her. The team has also came to see her, Aria and Brad had took Taylor in.
"My good wishes and blessings are with you." Jessi said to Hope whom was crying. Then Jessi close her eyes.

One Year Later....

Two Agents broke through the building and is now inside.
"Where to now?" Agent Dalton ask.
"Take a right turn then a left." Agent Carter said through the comms.
"Aria be careful." Brad then said.
"Always. Jessi, turn it on now." Aria said.
"It's on!" Jessi said turning on the button. Then she ran back to meet Agent Dalton and Aria. As she reach them, Agent Dalton give her a quick kiss.
"Miss you." He said.
"Guys, we're in the middle of an bloody mission." Aria said and they laughed. Taylor was lock away in SAPS jail.
Life couldn't be any better for Hope and her husband Rez as well as Steffi, Liam and their son Billy.
Jessi was happy and couldn't ask for an better job and life like this. Things couldn't get better.


Hey guys this is the last chapter of the book...I hope you guys enjoyed it. Comments below for book two if you all want.❤❤❤


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