Chapter 1

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Jessi Mills is a thin girl, tall, fair light skin complexion, brown eyes, long straight brunette hair, first interview is today. Right now she is in on her way to the Director's room. She took a deep breath and then knocked.
"Come in!" Said a female voice from the other side of the door. Jessi let her breath out and walked in nervously.
"Hi I'm Jessi Mills, I'm here for the interview?" Jessi asked as if she's unsure about something.
"Yes. Have a seat." The woman said. She had shoulder length straight blonde hair, blue eyes, fair light skin complexion, tin and tall. She wears glasses.
Jessi sat down across from her on the desk. The woman took out a brown manila folder and opened it, looking through some of the pages.
"Right, I'm Hannah Carter. Jessi Mills, age 21. Recently finished your studies and black belt in Martial Arts. You grew up in an orphanage and you were adopted at age 15, you tried to find out who your family is but found nothing all these years. You live in number thirty two Tulip Drive Los Angeles California USA, apartment 3. Right?" The woman asked as she looked through Jessi's file.
"Yes. That is all my private information that you have said Mrs Hannah Carter." Jessi said.
"As you may know Mrs Mills, this is a secret service cooperation." Hannah said.
"I know. SAPS, Secret Agents Protection Services. I did some research and found only that." Jessi said.
"Good. Now as you may know when you work here, there is bearly any leaving. Meaning you can't communicate with your family much. So if you're still willing to stay or not say now." Agent Hannah said.
"Agent Hannah Carter. As you may know I, my adopted family didn't care much about me. They adopted me with who knows whatever reason. They gave me everything, money, an education, food, shelter technology whatever but except the important one, love and family." Jessi said sadly.
"I'm so sorry. Also Jessi Mills, isn't really your name is it? You gave it to yourself." Agent Hannah said.
"I did." Jessi replied.
"Okay. Anyways you got the job. Welcome to SAPS. Come with me I'll show you your bunk, my people like to call it." Agent Hannah said getting up and shaking Jessi's hand.
"Thank you. Thank you so much." Jessi said.
"Get your suitcases and follow me. After you're settled in you are free to look around until you here me calling you. If you need anything come directly to me or Agent Leopold Dalton. He's second in command. A bit strict and serious so I'd not really want to get him angry." Agent Hannah said as they walked out the room and Jessi grabbed her suitcase and her side bag from outside counter.
"How old is he? Where does he used to live?" Jessi asked.
"You can ask him when you get to meet him." Agent Hannah said.
"Okay Agent Hannah Carter. And how old are you?" Jessi asked.
"30." Agent Hannah replied.
"Oh. So what's my role?" Jessi asked.
"You'll see later." Agent Hannah said.
They walked through the hallway and Jessi was so happy and excited she actually got the job.
"So where is the bunk?" Jessi asked.
"We're here. Now this is your room. Well bunk." Agent Hannah said.
"Thank you. I'll come out in a few." Jessi said.
"Good. Welcome on board Agent Jessi Mills." Hannah said smiling as she walks away. Jessi smiled and walked inside her room. It was almost like her room she had in her little apartment back in Los Angeles.
After she had packed her thinks she decided to take a walk around. She walked out and closed her door and walked back through the hallway.
Then she accidentally bumped in someone carrying a file with pages, thst fell all over the floor.
"Oh I'm so sorry. Here I'll help." She quickly said to the brown haired girl shoulder length and wavy, hazel eyes, light brown complexion, a little over tin size and tall. She wears glasses.
"It's okay." The girl said as they gathered the pages and stood back up. Jessi then handed her the pages.
"I haven't seen you around before. You new?" The girl asked.
"Yeah. I'm new on board. Agent Jessi Mills. You?" Jessi asked.
"Oh I'm Agent Aria Jackson. I'm the Biochemist and doctor apparently." The girl said.
"Nice to meet you Aria." Jessi said.
"You too. Want me to show you around? I'm actually going to my lab." Aria said.
"You have your own lab?" Jessi asked.
"Well no we share it because it's pretty large. Besides it's just me and my partners Taylor and Brad." Aria said smiling even more as she says Brad.
"Hmmm...seems like you have a thing going for this Brad dude." Jessi said.
"He's the rocket scientist, engineering, physicochemical." Aria said.
"Nice what about Taylor?" Jessi asked as they walked.
"She is the hacker. Well computer genius and she together with Agent Dalton and Agent Hannah knows how to drives the plane jet." Aria said as they walked inside the lab.
"Hey guys. Meet our newest member, Agent Jessi Mills." Aria said.
"Hey Agent Mills I'm Agent Taylor Johnson. The computer genius hacker." A tall and a little far from tin and before fat girl, light brown skin, long straight black hair reaching half her back with green in the ends, hazel green eyes girl said introducing herself.
"Nice to meet you Agent Johnson." Jessi said shaking her hand.
"I'm Agent Brad Shelton." A not so short but not so tall and tin boy, has curly golden brown hair, blue eyes, fair light brown skin and has great cheekbones introduces himself.
"Nice to meet you too Agent Brad." Jessi said.
"Right now everyone knows everyone go back to what you all was going." A tall body builder guy, fair complexion, amazing strong cheekbones, blue eyes, his black hair is cute and adorable and Jessi couldn't get her eyes off him. Then she decided to play cool.
"Hello tough guy. You could at least walked in with a smile." Jess said and Brad, Aria and Taylor looked at her as if she's crazy.
"You're the new girl. Jessi Mills, aren't you?" He said.
"Yes and it's Agent Jessi Mills until I get to know you." Jessi said jokingly. Aria then elbowed her as if she is crazy and doesn't know whom she is talking to.
"What?" She whispered.
"You're not an agent yet! Until you prove it in your first mission." He said and walked away.


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Xx_Princess Ish_xX

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