Chapter 3

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"So Jessi how come you ended up here? Tell us about yourself." Brad said.
"I don't think I should." Jessi said sadly and Agent Hannah realizes why.
Agent Dalton also looked at her.
"Why? I mean...tell us about your mom and dad your grandparents. If you have siblings." Aria said.
"Agent Jackson and Agent Shelton, please let it be alone." Agent Hannah said.
"Uhm...if you'll excuse me." Jessi said as she walked out the kitchen and went to the a place she had no idea. The cargo area is where she was. She went behind a large box and started crying.
Then after a couple of minutes someone came down and stood next to her. It was the last person she had expected. It was Agent Dalton.
"Hey. We need to go to the briefing room now." He said surprisingly calmly.
"Yeah, I'm coming." She said getting up and walking past Agent Dalton whom stopped her in her tracks.
"I know we haven't started into the right track and after what Agent Hannah told us about you, you've been through a lot. I'm sorry." He said smiling.
"Wow. The strick Agent Leopold Dalton is apologizing? With a smile too, it probably hurts like crazy doesn't it?" Jessi said smiling through her tears.
"Ha ha very funny. No but let's hope we actually build something." Leopold said.
"A friendship wall, nice." Jessi said.
"Or something more." He said winking at her and walking away. She was shocked surprised at what she just heard. Did he just flirted? Nope had to be a misunderstanding.
She then followed him back to the briefing room. She went and stood next to him and Aria.
"Hey I'm so sorry. If I did know I wouldn't have asked." Aria whispered apologising.
"Yeah me too." Brad said.
"It's okay. No big deal." Jessi said smiling relieving Brad and Aria. Taylor just entered the room as well.
"Where the hell were you?!" Aria whispered shout.
"I had an important call to make to someone." Taylor whispered said.
"What important call to who someone?" Aria whispered asked.
"My...friend." She said whispering.
"We are your friend?" Aria said whispering again.
"Look it's not important okay." Taylor said as she whispered back.
"You just said it was important?" Aria said as she continued to whisper.
"Just forget about it." Taylor said a bit angrily as she said a little loud.
"Ok." Aria said.
"Right now that everyone is here, the plan is... Agent Taylor Johnson and Agent Brad Shelton will stay hidden in the plane jet invisibility alone. You will leave only when you get orders. Aria will go with Agent Jessi Mills and Agent Leopold Dalton as their PA." Agent Hannah Carter said. Aria was jealous a bit that Taylor gets to stay with Brad.
"And where do we sleep?" Brad asked pointing to himself and Taylor.
"In the plane jet of course. You both are to stay awake whole night and take turns, work something out. There is one bedroom and one bathroom." Hannah said.
"And why do I have to be the PA?" Aria complain.
"Because you're the doctor incase anyone gets hurt especially for Agent Mills." Agent Hannah said.
"That may not be necessary since I'm there." Leopold said looking at Hannah then to Jessi and back to Hannah.
"Hmmm...the hulk smash is getting soft and cuddly isn't he?" Taylor said as Aria, Jessi and Brad laughed an Hannah smiling jokingly.
"Don't push it." Leopold said.
"What's wrong Leo?" Jessi said as she winks at Leopold.
Brad and Aria smiled at each other.
"Right. Your names will be Mr and Mrs Spencer." Hannah said.
"Wait so just to clear it off, I'm you?" Jessi asked.
"Yes you're going undercover as me, Hannah Spencer since you're married to Mike Spencer." Hannah said pointing to Agent Leopold Dalton.
"Nice. Mike." Jessi said smiling at Leopold.
"Okay now get to work. You are going to this address." Hannah said handing them a paper.
"So we're using the plane jet?" Taylor asked.
"Yes. Now go. Pack your suitcases, get the various weapons and technology also have on your comms on at all times" Hannah said.
"Do what is the circumstances comes that the couple has" Taylor didn't want to finish.
"To...what?" Aria asks and then everyone else realises what she meant.
"Oh no... that will never happen." Jessi said.
"Good get to work! All agents?" Hannah said.
"Go SAPS!" Everyone in the room said except for Jessi who just recently heard it. Everyone then looked at Jessi who didn't know what to say.
"Uhm..." She didn't know what to say then Aria whispered to her.
"Go SAPS!" She whispered.
"Oh right. Go SAPS!" She said and everyone laughed.
"All SAPS Agents, fall out! Good luck!" She said and they all nod once walking out to their rooms. After they've done packing and gathering they told their Director Agent Hannah Carter goodbye and then they were off.
"So how long until we reach?" Jessi asked.
"Not long. Just approximately an hour." Agent Taylor said through the comms.
"Agent Johnson I thought you said it wasn't long again?" Jessi asked.
"Well sorry chic. I'll see how sooner until we reach." Taylor said.
"Nah take ya time, no hurries." Jessi said chuckling.
"Yeah. I'll get ya there soon." Taylor said laughing.
"You girls done with your love story bird talking?" Leopold asked as he walks and sat next to Aria and Jessi.
"Love story?" Jessi asked.
"Bird talking?" Aria asked.
"Nevermind." Leopold said.
"So uhm...Aria you've never been in the fields before." Brad started talking.
"Yeah, why?" Aria asked.
"It's just we've been best friends and I really don't want anything to happen to you." Brad said and Jessi lightly elbowed Leopold.
"No needs to worry, Agent Leopold Dalton will be there. I'm sure he'd let nothing happen to me, wouldn't you Agent Dalton?" Aria asked as she looked at Leopold. He decided to make Jessi jealous a bit.
"Of course Agent Jackson, don't worry. I'll be there." Leopold said placing a hand in Aria's shoulder and lightly squeezing it. Both Brad and Jessi got jealous but hid it.
"Approximately half an hour again to the speed I'm driving." Taylor said through her comms.


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Xx_Princess Royalty _xX

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