CH.20 Life Blood.

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I barely got any sleep last night after he asked me that, luck was on my side through I was saved from answering by his phone ringing, he had to go to the clubhouse.

Now as I sat here watching my sons play together in Aiden's hospital bed I had no idea what to do. I was already his, the tattoos on my body showed that.

It was evening again and I had thought of what I would or could say but i still didnt have a clue.

I Felt a body sit down next to me I smelt his cologne before I saw him.
"Why did you ask me to marry you?" I ask him softly keeping my eyes on our sons.

"Believe it or not because I want to spend my life with you and our boys. Arizona I've known you for years, yeah things didnt start out great but we can create a good life for our boys. I love you tell the day I die." He say as he grabs my hand.

" I'm scared." I whisper
"Its okay to be scared. You and the boys are my life blood." He says into my hair.

As he holds me with his head on mine as we watch our sons I know my answer.

"Will you come somewhere with me?" I say softly.
"I'd go to the end of the earth for you" hes says strongly.

I wave Chloe into the room she walks over to the boys and sits on the chair with them. As I kiss both of them on their heads and tell them I love them. Ghost does the same.

The walk to his bike is quiet the evening air cooling off, the breeze is a welcome feel compared with the heat of the day.

After I climb on behind him he turns his head to me
"Where too?"
"Head to the town square on main street "
With a nod of his head he starts up the bike and we were off.
The wind surrounding us as we road was like a breath of freedom.
It didnt take long to reach the center of town I squeezed his right shoulder to let him know to turn right then I tapped it once to let him know to turn in the parking space.

After he shut the engine off i climb off his bike and wait for him to get off and follow.
Walking in the door I can feel Ghost follow behind me.
"Hey frankie can you hook me up?" I ask the Tattoo covered woman behind the counter.
She smiles and nods over to her station.
As I sit in the chair Ghost leans over and says softly
"If you wanted a tattoo all you had to do was say something I could have taken you to the clubhouse."
I shake my head and smile
"Its all good".
She walks over and sits on the stool in front of me
"So what can I do fo you doll?"
"A simple tattoo, on my finger"
"Alright what color?"
" black"
She nods and gathers her stuff. Ghost heads off to the bathroom.
" what am I putting?"
" tell death on my left ring finger" I say softly.
With a nod she gets started, by the time Ghost comes back she was done.

"What did you get babe?" He asks me
With a shaky breath I show him my ring finger.
On the inside of my left ring finger in black old English letters is
Tell Death.
He takes a sharp breath in..
"My answer is yes.. I'll marry you." I say with a smile.
"Hey Frankie you think you could do a tattoo for me? Same thing you just did?" He asks her as his eyes stay locked on mine.

As I sit there and watch as Ghost gets the same tattoo on the inside of his left  ring finger, I knew that I was making the right choice. This man was dark and he was deadly but he loved me, he loved our sons, and he would protect us tell his last breath.

I knew that I was In love with him and yeah there were some that would scoff at me for it but this man had gotten under my skin.

I was completely in love with him, I fell more in love with him every day, everytime I saw him with our sons.

I knew that I had become queen to a band of bikers that even the outlaw world called dangerous.
The same men that played with my son, that made silly faces and colored with him.  I knew that they would protect them with everything.
I knew when I take Ghost's last name I  gained more then him, I gained his bikers. And I was alright with that.

He was my life blood too.

Hey lovelies,
I know it's short but bare with me lots more to come and longer chapters
I was able to get it done tonight when I thought I wouldn't be able to so yay for me.

Thank you for reading
Let me know what you all think!

SOULLESS  ~Devil's Saints MC~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt