11. knockout

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A real man will never disrespect you.
He will also never stand by and let anyone else disrespect her.

After I get the broken glass picked up, I grab Abel and head to the club house.
Glad for once Drex isn't here.

Walking into the main room I see my brothers sitting around along with a few other members. As soon as Abel sees Kol he takes off at a run towards him.
Yelling "Uncle Kol" the whole way.

Kol chuckled as he scoops Abel up and onto his lap.

"Hey little man" he says as he drops a kiss on his head.

"I good" Abel says with a big smile.

I kiss Elijahs cheek then Kols and join them at the table their sitting at.

"And then D yelled at momma and throweded a cup and made the door go BAM!" Abel says throwing his little hands up.

"Is that so?" Kol says looking at me with his eyebrow.

"Uh huh, he was berry mad, momma say it not at Abbie " Abel tells Kol

"Well mommas right, little man" Kol tells him as he hands him a toy motorcycle.

As Abel plays with his Motorcyles, both Elijah and Kol turn to look at me.

"You don't want to know." I say to them both.

" did he lay hands on you?" Kol asks me.

"No, just yelled and broke my cup." I say with a shrug.

"We will let you Handle it yourself then" Elijah says as he takes a sip of his beer.

I nod my head, and smile at my son as he makes motor sounds racing his bikes.

Pretty soon the sound of yelling reaches our ears. Kol, Elijah and I share a look and Kol nod his head at Chloe and points at Abel.
As we make out ways outside we see a group of members standing around two men. The closer we are the clear it becomes as to who the are.

Standing in the middle of the lot, are Ghost and Drex.

The angry voice of Drex comes out load and clear.

" You think you can just walk in to my town, and take over?"

Ghost just shakes his head. " Your going to want to get the he'll outta my face".

"Yeah sure, I'm only gonna say this once, you stay the he'll outta my way and back the fuck off my girl" Drex yells at him.

Ghost smirks and chuckles " They're my sons"

" I've been the one to raise them, so they might as well be mine" Drex says back with a smirk.

The smirk on Ghosts face disappears and a cold look replaces it.

" and on the subject of mine stay the he'll away from my pussy" Drex snaps.

A dark glint flashes across Ghost face and that's the only warning Drex had.

As quick as lighting Ghost throws a punch that knocks Draxs flat on his ass.

"You need to watch your fucking mouth, and learn some respect. If I ever hear you call the mother of my sons that again you will be choking on your teeth." Ghost snaps down at him.

Ghosts darkened silver blue eyes lock on mine.

Hello my lovelies,


Hope you like this chapter!!

You guys are the best!


SOULLESS  ~Devil's Saints MC~Where stories live. Discover now