CH. 15 Change is In The Air.

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A nervous sort of energy buzzes through my skin as I sit across from Ghost and Abel at the local family dinner.

Watching Ghost color with our son and listen to him as he talks his ear off I'm filled with a sence of longing.

And a sence of guilt as well, some days I wonder if Aiden is being punished for my sins, if I would have told him two years ago about the boys if things would have been different.

Looking down at my menu trying to distract myself from the dark thoughts.

" Momma Abie get eggs and cakes ?" Abel's sweet little voice asks me.

Looking up at Abels little face, his bright blue eyes and big grin, I can't help but smile back at him.

" sure sweetheart " I tell him with a smile.

"Well hi cutie pie " a slightly tangy voice coos to Abels

Looking up at women who could be doll patrons twin, I smile up at Liz Dawson.

"Hiyah Miss Liz" Abel answers back with a big grin.

" how's my Handsome boy doing?" She asks him with a big smile.

" I is good, going to see brother today" he says almost bouncing in his seat.

"Well make sure you give him a kiss from me" she tells him with a wink.

"Otay, and this Abies daddy!" Abel says with a big smile laying his head on Ghosts arm.

"He is? Well hey there sugar" she says with a kind smile.

Ghost nod his head at her.

"Hey there sweetheart, how are you? Your brothers and Aiden?" She turns to me with a gentle smile.

" Hey Liz, everyone is good" I say with a smile.

"Well what can I get y'all?" She ask her slightly raspy voice with a twang.

Ghost nods at me to go first

" little man would one scrambled egg, and one chocolate chip pancake and a glass of strawberry milk, and I want a waffle with whip cream and strawberries and blueberries and a side of bacon a glass of mnt dew." I say with a smile.

Liz nods and turns to look at Ghost with a smile." What about you hun?"

" I'll have the big house breakfast with a black coffee" his deep gravely voice.

"I'll get this in for ya" she says with a wink and walks off.

" penny for your thoughts babe?" Ghost deep and gravely voice breaks me out of my thoughts.

I look up at him to see him watching me
"Just thinking how had I not been so scared to tell you I was pregnant, how different things could have been" I say softly.

"That's what I don't get darlin', why were you scared?" He asks looking confused.

" I wanted to be free for once, do things I never did, and then I saw you and yeah I know who you were the second we locked eyes. And it was the best night of my life, when morning came so did the worries and my normal life. And at the time you were a member of a rival club and I panicked. Then when I found out I was pregnant things changed, I didn't know what to do, and for a time I didn't know how to get a hold of you, then I found reason after reason not to. I didn't want my brothers to think I betrayed them and I didn't want to face any of it. And with all the things thay are said about you I just used that to convince myself I was doing the right thing. But everyday it got harder and harder to keep that up, and then I tried to forget with Drex and it just got messy. And Aiden got sick and it's like he's being punished for my sins." I say trying to keep the tears at bay, but by the end I was tearing up.

"Don't cry babygirl, things should have been handled different but it wasn't that was then this is now, I'm here now, and no one is going to get between me and my family. Things are gonna be different, I'm not going anywhere." He says his tone booking no room for an argument.

"I'm glad your going to be around for the boys, they need you and I don't think Abel will ever let you go" I say with a soft chuckle.

"I'm not just gonna be around for our sons Arizona." He tells me his eyes getting darker.

" I don't understand?" I say softly.

He chuckles and the sound sends shocks through my body making my lower abdomen clench.

" I told you I got you, i said I have a claim, your my family. And I aim to show everyone who has a claim on you babygirl. Cuz when im through you and the world are gonna know that your mine." He tells me his voice getting husky.

My eyes locked on to his eyes, eyes that are drowning me with there intensity, I can feel his want for me.

"Things are changing babygirl, I won't put up with is punk ass, and I mean it when I say that he and everyone else will know who claimed you. Don't worry baby I got you and our boys." He tells me his eyes still locked on mine.

Oh my is change in the air. Things are changing in this town.

Hello my lovelies,

Thank you all for understanding my slow updates. I know this is shorter then my normal chapters I will make it up to you soon.

A little romance is the air
Could we be seeing the start of Arizona and Ghost??

Any thoughts?

Hope you guys are having a good last of your summers.

And again thank you guys for being such awesome readers.


SOULLESS  ~Devil's Saints MC~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin