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Guilt is a fickle thing.
Guilt is an annoying thing.
Guilt is a soul sucking thing.
Guilt is a bitch.

Guilt is all I felt whenever I thought about it, the night that changed everything.
I felt like I betrayed my brothers, that I let them down every time I thought of him.

When Kol did nice things for me it only made me feel worse. My bother has gone way out of the norm and been there for me. And every time he does I feel like shit.

Because I didn't drink enough alcohol to not know who he was when I saw him, when I slept with him. There was no plausible explanation for what I did.

I know exactly who he was, not just because everyone knew his club name, his reputation was deadly. 
Ghost. A killer, one you don't see coming tell its to late. He takes care of problems for his club, some called him Death, or the angel of death, beacuse if he was the one talking to you that was the last conversation you were ever going to have.

I knew who is was I knew the man behind the club name. Grayson Kincaid my brothers use to be best friend.

See Kol and Grayson grew up together, they met in Juvy hall when they were 13 and became fast friends. When they turned 17 the both prospected for their clubs. Went up threw the ranks, both patched enforcers.

At one point in time Reapers deciples and my familys club the Devil's Saints were what one would call a sister club, friends.
Just like my brother and Grayson.

Then one night it all changed, something went wrong on a run. A member from our club was killed, and it turned out that a member from there club killed him.

A war broke out, after our club killed that member. The friendship was over.

I don't know exactly what happened on the run nor what happened the night Kol and Grayson got into the fight that ended their friendship. That was five years ago.

Their club moved a town over, and our club took over the whole town.
It's not a blood bath anymore, but they are still not friendly.

I knew all of this, the night I slept with Grayson Kincaid.

I feel Guilty that I went behind my family's back, but I can't find it any me to regret it.

Grayson Kincaid, is a man any women would want, he was like walking sex.
One night with him and no man would ever measure up.

I always thought he was hot, I had always felt an attraction to him. But I never thought I'd end up in bed with him. I was Kol' s little sister, a kid when we last saw eachother.

Now as I ready myself to become a mom, I know there is no way my family can know that Grayson is the father of my children. I betrayed my brothers, my father's club. No one can know.

And Grayson.. he can't ever know I'm pregnant. Grayson Kincaid is not the same man. He is Ghost .

He never wanted to be chained to one women, or to have a family. He would want me to get rid of them.

I remember when he made one of the girls at the club house get rid of her baby.

Grayson Kincaid was a cold man when he changed into the man known as Ghost, he had no soul.

But that matters not, he will never know.

I think as I rest my hand on my slightly rounded stomach. He will never take them from me.
I will raise them, I will get through it all.

I'm just going to move on with my life.

But the guilt will set heavy, as will the secret I'm keeping from my family.
a secret that eats at me more and more each day.

As time goes on a secret that comes back and bites me in the ass.

Hello my lovelies,
I know, I know this is short, almost to short. And I'm sorry, this is a filler chapter.
And it also shows a little back ground.

Later on this week I will have a longer chapter up.

Thank you all for reading my book.

The next chapter is the last one while Arizona is pregnant. The one after will skip two years a head.

And that's where this story really takes place.

Any questions please just ask!


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