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A women's true first love is her child.
A love a mother holds for her child is a pure love.
A mother's love is completely unconditional.

They say the pain a women feels during child birth is enough to kill someone under different conditions. They also say it's all worth it when you get to hold your child.

I'm going to be going to be really honest, I'm not ready for the push out the kids thing. Yeah ... not at all, my doctor had me watch birth videos and let me just say ... That shit is scary.

My whole pregnancy has been scary, being pregnant with twins is not easy, add to it my high blood pressure and my anemic issues it's been hell.

I've been put on bed rest the last month, I'm two weeks away from my due date.
And it's been the longest month of my life, and im stuck on bed rest tell I give birth.

I can say my brothers and the rest of the club have been great. Making sure im comfortable, and not going stir crazy.

Like right now, Kol is having a movie marathon with me, we're watching the harry potter movies. Instead of enjoying the Friday night party at the club house.

We had set the up the upstairs loft into a movie room a few years ago.
So Kol and I are relaxed on our deep lounge couch with all kinds of snacks and pizza, beer for him and soda for me.

In the middle of the fourth movie out of no where I got a sharp pain from my back to my stomach. That went on for the rest of the movie.

Thinking it was just Braxton hicks, like I've had the last two months. By the beginning of the sixth movie they had gotten worse. I felt the sudden urge to pee, with Kol's help I waddled my way to the bathroom across the room.

I had barley made it past the door when I felt a sudden pressure, gasping I rub my belly and take a few steps when I feel something popped and like a rush of water my sweat pants are soaked and so is the floor.
Standing frozen and in shock for a minute. What the...
gasping and almost bent double when a new sharper pain attacks my stomach.

"Kol... kol.. kol.. KOL!!!" I practically scream.

I hear heavy foot steps jogging to the door.

"You okay little bird?" Kols deep voice asks me.

" No.. kol my water broke.." I say slightly panicked.

"WHAT?.. okay.. okay don't panic we need to uh call lijah and go to the hospital" he says sounding panicked.

"Kol I need my bag we brought up here, my bottoms are soaked." I say Trying not to be embarrassed.

"Yeah okay uh shit!" He mumbles.

A few minutes later he taps on the door and opens then door and slides the beg in and closes it again.

Carefully I move to it and grab a new pair of panties and a pair of sweats. Changing out of the wet ones as fast as I can and getting redressed was painfull.

I carefully move back to the door and open it and walking slowly out of the bathroom. With each step made the pain in my stomach worse. Wincing I walk past a panicked Kol who was trying to get a hold of Elijah.

"Kol we gotta get to the hospital.. it hurts so much." I say with tears on my face.

"Yeah fuck okay" he rushes over to help me down the stairs.

Saying sorry with every wince as we make down the stairs and out the backdoor to the truck.

"Guess it's a good thing after the last scare we started keeping the hospital beg in here" I say Trying to breathe through the pain.

SOULLESS  ~Devil's Saints MC~Where stories live. Discover now