CH. 6 Prayers Answered.

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Pride comes before the fall.
Was it pride that stopped me for telling him all this time?
Or was it fear?
Fear of him? Or fear of my family?
I don't know the answer,
All I know is there is fear.
Two years later

In my world fear is something that's there daily. To the outside world my family are outlaws, dangerous, looked down on and feared.

I have faced many fears in my life, fear for my family, fear of death, and many other fears.

But this fear? By far has been the worst.
Fear for my child.
As a mother seeing my child in this kind of pain and not being able to help is the worst thing I've ever been through.

My world shattered the day the doctor told us the news.

Almost a month ago the doctors told us that Aiden has JMML.
Juvenile myelomonocytic Leukaemia.

A rare neither chronic nor acute form of leukemia. That happens most often in children under the age Four.

My heart shattered, my world stopped. My baby, my little boy had cancer.
Four months before his second birthday.

I spent a week angry, heartbroken and reeling. Ask why, and how could this happen. Wanting to take his place.
Thinking I was been punished.

I spend another week with my sons, holding them, making sure they know I loved them.

I spent the next week getting my shit together. I'm a Winston, we don't give up, we fight like hell.
Figuring out what the next step for Aiden was.
And sucking up my pride and facing my fear reaching out to find Ghost.

I spent a week praying to a god I'm not sure I even believe in. Praying for my son, praying to give strength, praying for answers.

This morning answers came.

Another restless night, I haven't had a good night rest since we found out.

After checking on the boys, I make my way down the hall to my kitchen for some coffee.

I moved into my own condo when the boys were a few months old. Living on the compound with twin infants was not ideal.
I moved two blocks away in a nice cozy two bedroom condo.

After getting my cup of coffee, I head out on to my balcony. As I having my morning smoke, my phone rings.

Looking down at the screen I see a blocked number. With a frown I answer the phone.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Arizona winston?" A deep slightly gravelly voice says.

"Yes?" I say back questionably.

"Was told you were looking for me" he says back.

Looking? Oh Ghost... Kane told him.

"Ghost." I say a little breathless.

"Yeah, Kane told me you were looking and passed on this number. Said it was important." I can him moving on the other side as he tells me this.

"It is important, it took a bit for me to find away to get a hold of you, he was my last option, and visiting him up state was a little difficult to say the least, but I had to." I say looking down at my slightly shaking hand.

" What do you want?" He says a little curiously.

Taking a deep breath and looking up at the now lighting sky.

" two years ago, we met at a night club owned and ran by Reaper's Disciples. That night we slept together. Do you remember it." Taking a puff of my smoke.

He chuckles " this is about me sleeping with You?, look sweetheart I sleep with a lot of women, I left it should say something" he says back.

" asswhole, I'm the one that left you in the morning. I'm not one of your club whores, it's important, I wouldn't have bothered you if it was simple as us having sex." I snap.

" What do you want then?" He snaps back at me.

" almost two years ago, I gave birth to twin sons, and before you even pull the are they mine card, they are i don't sleep around." I say to him.

"And I'm supposed to take your word for it?" He says with a cruel chuckle.

" No, your not Grayson Kincaid." I say to him.

"What did you call me?" He as gravelly.

"Grayson Kincaid, I know who you are because I'm Kol Winstons younger sister. I'm not a club whore looking for a claim or your tattoo. I'm not looking to try to trap you, I'm not looking for money, in fact I wouldn't even be bothering you if I could help it. It's important." I say try to keep my cool.

" Winston.. okay. What is it?" He says as he takes a deep breath.

" Their names are Abel Matthew and Aiden jace, their almost two years old and their my world. Abel is older by a few minutes.
Almost a month ago my world fell apart. Aiden has JMML, juvenile myelomonocytic Leukaemia. He's really sick,." I say with tears rolling down my cheeks.

" Leukaemia? How bad? " he asks with convection.

" Their still running test, deepens on what the test say, could be that he needs bone marrow, or chemo. It's all still up in the air, I'm not a match, Abel is a perfect match but I will not put him through that." I tell him.

" am I a match?, when will you know anything?" He asks.

" I don't know if you are, they would have to test. Hopefully by the end of this week we will know." I say Trying my tears.

"I'll be there by the end of the week."

" No that's not what I was asking you, I know you can't come here it will be war.." I start to say.

" there will be no war darlin, I don't wear disciples colors anymore. I wear saints colors. It will be fine." He says.

" what.. I mean .. but.. you don't have to do this, I don't really know why I called, just I'm at a loss, I don't know what to do. " I say starting to cry again.

" we will figure it out." He tells me.

" Thank you" I say emotionally.

"I'll be there in a few days" he says then hangs up.

My answer.

Hello my lovelies,

I'm sorry for the late update. Was not sure how I wanted it to go, I changed my mind on my original idea, but I came up with this.
Hope you like it as much as I do.
Hope to hear from you all.
Thank you all for the votes and reading my book. You are all the best.

SOULLESS  ~Devil's Saints MC~Where stories live. Discover now