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For every action there is a reaction.
For every choice there is a consequences.

Sometimes there good and sometimes there bad.
Sometimes it's worth the price you pay,
While other times, it's not.

Consequences are a bitch.

Life is teaching me a lesson.

Maybe I should not have snuck away from my family, I really should not have gone to the club that The Reaper's Disciples MC owned. And I for sure should not have slept with him.

Yeah consequences are a freaking bitch. I think to myself as I rest my head on my arm as I lean over the seat of the toilet i just finishing emptying my stomach into it.

Taking a deep breath I push myself up on to my shakey legs. Stumbling over to the sink. Turning on the water to cold, bending down and splashing my face with the cold water.

After taking a deep breathe trying to clam my qwezey stomach. Opening my eyes I look in the mirror and cringe at what's looking back at me.

Simply put I look like hot garbage and death.
Too pale complexion, dark purple shadows under my dull green eyes. Chapped lips.
My dark hair piled on top my head in a very messy bun.
My baggy hoodie making my already skinny body look skinnier.
Yeah I look like shit.

Making my way out of my bathroom I'm startled out of my thoughts.

"You okay?" A deep voice asks me
Snapping my head up I find the owner of that voice, setting on the edge of my bed.
One of my older brothers, my twin.

"I'm fine Cas, what are you doing in here?"
I say trying to hide my panic,  how long he could have been sitting there?.

He scuffs and raises an eyebrow at me.
"Your fine? If your so fine tell me why I just spent a half hour listening to you hurl into the toliet."

Wrinkling my nose at his description. I cross my arms over my chest.
"I'm fine, and why are you in my room for anyways. I mean you wouldn't have herd it if you weren't here." I say Trying to get him of the subject and distract him.

"Knock your shit off Arizona" he snaps at me with a glare. His green eyes looking dark and jaded.

Opening my mouth to resort, he holds up his hand and shakes his head, a sign for me to stay quiet. Even upset at me, he like the rest of my brothers would never disrespect me and talk over me.

Snapping my mouth shut, I look at him and wait for him to finish.

"Little Bird, you've been sick for weeks, almost a month and a half now , you've lost weight, and we're all worried about you. You need to go to the doctors, we need to find out what's wrong so we can help you." He says softly but passionately, with soft eyes pleading with me.

Swallowing hard and trying not to cry i start shaking my head at him.

"Cas I don't need to go to the doctor" I say softly.

"Your always sick we need to know what's wrong" he argues.

"Cas please just drop it" I say trying to make my way around him.

"I will Not just drop it, not tell I know what's wrong!" He snaps.

"Cas just Stop! " I snap and whip around to glare at him.

" ARIZONA! stop being stupid, and let me get you some help! " he growls at me and returns my glare with one of his own.

" I don't need help!" I almost scream at him.

"Why are you being so  damn stubborn!, it's got to stop, you can't keep getting sick, we have all noticed and sooner or later it's going to be Elijah, or Mason, or Drex,or even Kol asking and you know how they will be, at least I'm not demanding or screaming at you, it's not normal to be sick all the time..." he starts to rant and finally I just can't take it anymore.

" Stop.. please just stop" I say with tears starting to come down my face.

"I won't just stop, your my little sister, I don't want to see you like this.."

" I'm PREGNANT okay!" I almost scream at him.

" I'm pregnant, that's what's wrong that's why I get sick, okay" I say in a slightly softer voice, looking anywhere but him.

I hear his breathe go out in a gasp
"Your p-pregnant.. " he stutters.

I nod my head once.

"How can you be pregnant.. I mean how did this happen." He says almost dropping on to my bed.

" I had sex, with a guy, my shot didn't work and here we are, with me pregnant." I say with a small smirk as I watch him make a nasty face when I said i had sex.

"You can't, I mean no your my little sister your not.. this is just what the fuck!" He says throwing his hands up.

"You can't tell anyone yet Cas,I'm not ready for them all to know." I say softly

"Can't tell them? Arizona! I have to! I mean your carrying something inside you! Hate to break it to you their gonna notice" he exclaimed! Staring at me with his whole face in disbelief.

"Cas, I'm going to tell them, I'm just not ready to tell them yet, you know how they are and I just I'm scared enough as it is, I mean I'm pregnant and im going to be doing this alone and it's just a lot to take in.

" Alone?, what do you mean alone, why would you be alone, who ever knocked you up is going to help right?" He says standing up fast.

I look away from him and try to turn away. Hoping he won't see the panic in my eyes.

" Who's the father Arizona?" He's asks me with a dark whisper.

I shake my head and squeeze my eyes shut.

" Who is it" he asks again.

" No one you know." I say with my back to him.

Because he most certainly knows him. But they can't ever know, no one can.

"Arizona I won't ask again.. who is it?" He says with barely controlled rage.

"Who is what?" A deep voice from the door way asks.

Looking over to the door I see my oldest brother  Elijah, leaning against the door frame with his eyebrow raised.

With panic in my eyes I turn to Cas, and beg him with my eyes not to say anything.
He just shakes his head at me and looks at me with remorse.

" Arizona won't tell me who the father of her unborn baby is" Cas answer staring at me the whole time.

With tears in my eyes I take in a sharp breathe, trying to ease off my panic.

" unborn baby.. Your pregnant?" Elijah asks me sharply as I hear him walk into my room.

" i-i-i.." I try to get the words out but breathing becomes hard, and I panic I can't get enough breathe in my lungs, I start to see dark spots and feel myself start to sway.
The last thing I remember is both of my brothers shouting
"Little Bird".
Then it all went black.

Phew! Happy with how this turned out. Thank you to thoes of you reading my story it means the world to me. I promise to start trying to update sooner then I have in the past.

As always hope you guys enjoyed it.
Any questions or any comments please leave for me in the comment section below or inbox be me,I promise I will answer them!

I'd love to hear form you guys.
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Always Nyx~

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